Chapter 10

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The villain of the last days gets his wish


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 10

    Lin An glanced at the fire ax in Huo Cheng's hand, shook the machete in his hand, and said with a smile: "Half for each person."

    Huo Cheng nodded, and rushed up quickly, raising the ax to cut off the neck of the zombie closest to the inside of the fence . The rotting skulls fell to the ground, and the wounds were smooth and clean.

    This man is so strong!

    Lin An was shocked in his heart, and before he had time to think, he followed up and raised the machete in his hand, and the same head fell to the ground.

    If you observe carefully, you can find that although the edge of his knife is also sharp, his movement still freezes for a moment when he slashes the zombie.

    This is the gap between strength. Mental power transforms the physique of a supernatural person. If you want to improve your skills, you still cannot do without training.

    Unless the power-type power is awakened, ordinary people with supernatural powers don't do any training, at most they can run faster than others, have more strength, and be healthier.

    Lin An shook his numb hands indiscriminately, thinking that at least he couldn't lose face in front of outsiders. His movements became more and more agile.

    The zombies near the railing all had their heads severed. Lin An followed Huo Cheng and jumped out of the railing in two steps, each in the same direction. The two did not love to fight, and quickly eliminated the surrounding zombies and ran towards the vicinity of the community. During the period, they just nodded and didn't say goodbye to each other, nor did they leave in the same direction.

    When Lin An arrived home safely out of breath, he was too tired to speak.

    After resting on the bed for a long time, he sighed depressingly, his physical strength was indeed worse than that of five years later.

    Is there any way, practice slowly, it's all a step by step thing, there is no use in rushing.

    Sighing, he casually took out a vacuum-packed sausage he had just obtained from the space, and chewed it while thinking about how to go next.

    When the end of the world just came in the previous life, most people still firmly believed that as long as they survived for a while, the government and the army would come to the rescue soon.

    At that time, even he himself was one of these people. He and his improvised small team hid in the staff dormitory behind the Regent Hotel, waiting in fear for someone to rescue him.

    The army finally arrived, and the whole city announced that they would be escorted to the nearby Shoujing security base, and the survivors in the entire Jinshi were all excited.

    Everyone tried their best to rush to the assembly point designated by the army within the stipulated time. Only he, who suddenly developed a high fever, was abandoned by his "companions" alone on the bed of the simple room, his face flushed with fever, and he passed out.

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