Chapter 72

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The villain of the last days gets his wish


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 72

    Luojiazhuang is a big village located around Zhaoshi City. The people in the village are dead. They ran to the nearby base, but it was completely empty. Only zombies were left wandering in every corner of the village.

    Zombies can survive for more than half a year even if they don't eat continuously, but in less than half a year, they will instinctively leave by following the smell of food. The closest to Luojiazhuang is the Huaiqiong base. If these zombies are not collected in time, they will gather more and more near the base.

    "The first team has finished cleaning!"

    "Report to the captain, the second team is finished!" "Captain, the third team found a public cellar in the     backyard

    of the village committee, and asked for the support of people with space abilities."

There was the sound of progress reports from three teams.

    "The third team stays put, and the rest of the teams gather at the entrance of the village."

    Huo Cheng pressed the intercom, and Lin An, who was standing beside him, screwed on the cap of the water bottle. He was sweating from the cold winter and sat in front of the wheel next to him. The little soldier who fanned the wind kicked: "Don't rest, let's go."

    The young man had just woken up with space powers for a month, and when he heard the words, he had a bitter face, and said coquettishly, "The cellar, Brother Xiaolin! I can't do it, my space is less than 40 square meters, why don't you go with the captain." The

    young soldier is only 18 years old, has recently joined the army, and his physical fitness has not yet improved. He just cleaned the west side of Zhuangzi with the fourth team, and ran After running back and forth to collect things several times, my mental and physical strength was almost exhausted.     "Stop talking nonsense." Lin An didn't like this, and kicked him again: "I didn't ask you to take it all, so get up and follow me, do you think you can improve just by drinking the power liquid prepared by the army? Do it again? I'm too lazy to ask your brother to clean you up." Xiaobing's eldest brother was originally a soldier in Uncle Huo's team, and he is not as easy to talk to his younger brother as Lin An.     Just a month ago, Uncle Huo had basically confirmed that the crystal nucleus liquid could improve the security ability, but he kept it under pressure and did not disclose it to the public. Instead, he changed the proportionally diluted crystal nucleus liquid into a "power liquid", specially Selling and exchanging to supernatural beings, sales should not be too good.

    The crystal nucleus liquid is good, but the level of improvement in the ability of drinking that thing is limited, and practice makes perfect, and you should use it yourself.

    Xiaobing was kicked, stood up with a grinning grin, and said, "I want to create a two-person space for you and the captain.

    " It's a couple. The whole base knows about it. Even General Huo himself recognizes this nephew and daughter-in-law. The two of them usually go out on missions and training together, and get close to each other openly, and never hide it.

The villain of the last days gets his wishWhere stories live. Discover now