14: The Love that Can't be Forgotten

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Your eyes feel heavy when you open them. The light is blinding and you squint to try to make out where you are.

There are lanterns hanging over your head - purple and yellow, your favorite colors. There are flowers on your left and a birdhouse near the window. Not far away are bookshelves; it's how you know you're home. In your room. At your parents' house.

You try to move your body to see what hurts but everything does - your head is heavy and there's a hollowness you hear. Things are faint and you're dizzy, but you know it's Jimin when he enters your room.

"Hey, you're awake," he says in his calming voice. "Can you talk? How do you feel?"

"How long have I been out?" You groggily ask.

"Three days. You were on and off yesterday, though."

He sits on the bed next to you. "Do you remember much?"

"They're a bit hazy," you mumble, turning away, the light from outside bothering you. "What's wrong with me?"

"Concussion, a head wound, a sprained ankle," he informs you, flicking the blinds off. "But you're alright. Just give yourself some time."

You nod, trying to still make sense of what happened, how you got here, how you survived.

"How did I get here?"

"Jungkook found you and took you to Amma's to be treated, but you asked to be taken here. And you—"

The door opens and the same scared eyes you last saw are looking at you.

"You're awake. You're fine," Jungkook sighs, as if comforting himself. "Are... are you—"

You reflexively move your arm away when he reaches out, unsure why you do. But the pained look in his eyes burns, and the pang in your chest aches more than you expect it to.

He saved you, as you know he would, and somehow you hate that he did.

"I... I'd like to be alone first," you mutter.

Jungkook huffs but accepts your request, the hurt in his eyes lingering on you, but he turns around as Jimin stands from your bed.

You pull your cousin's wrist to stop him. "Jimin, can you stay?"

From your periphery, you see Jungkook stop in his tracks but he doesn't look back. He just walks out and gently closes the door.


You stare at the ceiling, the darkness a comforting companion tonight. Somehow it reflects what you feel inside, with the slivers of light making their way through. But the dimness of things overshadows what remaining glimmer there is.

That comfort should be your mate, Jungkook, who's currently sleeping on the floor; the rumbling sounds escaping him are louder than usual.

You'd heard from Mi-Rae how he had you on his back, ran all the way to Amma's, and hadn't left your side since. He'd just gone back from the cabin to bring your clothes earlier, but even with you turning him away, he still silently entered your room and laid on the mattress, with no other words said.

You didn't protest. You don't really know what to say; your aversion is enough to tell him that you don't want him around. For the briefest moment that you wanted things to end, Jungkook made sure it didn't. He made sure you're safe, like always; he made sure you weren't even more hurt, like always; he made sure you're not alone, like always.

And you have nothing to give him, nothing to give anyone, not even yourself. Yet he's here, without fail, and you resent him for it. You needed his comfort then and he gave it and he continues to, but a part of you wishes he gives up on you, just so it's easier to keep feeling sorry for yourself. You were already doing better, and all it took was one moment to lose all that progress.

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