Part 16

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On a sunny day after school...

"I told you don't worry about it."

"I told you I'm gonna shove cash to you."

"You're like those grandmas shoving cash to their grandchildren on new year's."

"I don't wanna be in debted to you."

"You're not."

"Chill, chill, what's up?" Jeannette rushed over to the scene.

"Lucas paid for my crepe yesterday."

"Wow, really?! Free crepe!!" Jeannette cheered. "What did you get?"

"That's not the point," Athanasia shook her head. "He doesn't want me to pay back."

"I said-"

"'Don't worry about it'? Yeah, right, I don't want you to use this as a blackmail against me in the future."

"I won't."

"Eh??? It was his treat, Athy, accept it!"

Athanasia sighed when Jeannette, too, asked her not to pay him back.

"Fine," she gave in. "If you ask me to do you a favor next time and use this as the reason, I swear-"

"I won't," Lucas cut her off.

"...You better not."

With that, their little argument finally ended,

Or so they thought...


"Welcome! Oh, hello!" Ijekiel was at the cashier as usual. "One moment, please." He turned around and yelled, "Lucas! Your turn!"

Surely enough, Lucas came out of the kitchen. There, he saw the two girls at the counter once again. Athanasia got her wallet ready and skimmed through the menu.

"We have chocolate today," Lucas said softly, enough for Athanasia to hear. Though, the girl didn't understand why he had to do that.

"Christmas special changes daily?"

"I guess."

"I'll go with original today, with almond toppings and chocolate syrup," Jeannette told Lucas as he entered her order. "Athy?"

Just then, Athanasia received a phone call. "Sorry. You can order first, Jeannette, I'll order by myself later." She said and headed out of the shop to answer the phone.

"I wonder what happened. She seldom receive calls at this hour." Jeanette spoke her thoughts out loud. "Ah, sorry, you entered my order already, right?"

"There is a cancel option available if you want to wait."

"It's alright, I'll pay first."

Lucas proceed with the payment process and switched places with Ijekiel again.

After some time, Athanasia returned to the shop. She didn't didn't queue to order her crepe. Instead, she sat down with Jeannette. She was waiting for the shop to have lesser customers before looking for Lucas again.

"Lucas?" Athanasia called out to the person in the kitchen. "You free?" It was rare for her to call him in that tone. Lucas left the kitchen to meet with her.

"I want a custom crepe today."

"Say it."

"Only if you promise not to pay for me again."


"Just this once, please."

Lucas was surprised by the look on her face. "Fine. I promise."

The corner of Athanasia's lips curved a little and she proceed with the order.

"Do it the way you like it, don't customise it to my tastebuds," Athanasia added.

When Lucas handed the crepe to her, she pushed it back to him. "It was for you. Sit here and eat. There are no customers now."

"You've always been weird but you're a different weird today," Lucas pointed out. "Who called?"

""Finish the crepe and I'll tell you.

Lucas was hesitant, but he took a bit anyway. 'Not bad,' he thought to himself. 'As expected from me.'

Athanasia handed him a tissue to wipe his mouth after he finally got everything into his stomach.

"I finished it. Now tell me."

"The hospital."


Obelia Bakery: CrêpeWhere stories live. Discover now