10 ~thoughts~

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Zoëy pov
-i went to visit Finn in the hospital-
'Hey Finn' i greeted him
'Hey Zoëy' he said
'Are you feeling okay?' I asked
'Yeah, it's kinda boring here tho' he said
-i chuckled-
'So what are you doing here?' He asked
'I u...umh' i stuttered
'Yeah?' He asked
'I love you!' I blurted out
'Y..you l..love me?' He asked in disbelief
'Y..yeah' i said stuttering
'I..i'm sorry, but i already like someone.
I'm so sorry!' He said
'I..it's okay, i didn't thougt that you'd like me back' i said tears in my eyes
'I'm really sorry Zoëy' he said
'No, no dont be, who is the lucky person?' I asked
'E..ehm, Sadie' he blushed
'Oooh, you'll make a great couple' i said tottaly not convincing cause Finn seemed to notice i was sad about it
'Hey Zoëy?' He asked
'Yeah?' I said
'I'm aloud out the hospital soon' he said to lighten up the mood
'Thats great' i said happy for him

~the next day~

Finn's pov
'Finn?' Noah asked
'Yeah?' I said
'You ready to go to set?' He asked
'Yeah sure' i said
'Did you know there will be auditions for a new role?' He asked
'No, what role?' I asked him
'I believe a new test subject from hawkins lab, 004' he said
'Oh really? Do you know 004 her or his name?' I asked
'I believe it was kate or kat i dont know, something like that' Noah explained

~on set~
(Still Finn's pov)

'Next!' Matt duffer said
-a girl with blond hair walked into the room, i emmediatly reconised her. It was Zoëy-
'Okay, we are are going to do the scene where Kat meets Jane and Mike' Ross duffer said
'Okay go!' Matt duffer said

(Meeting scene,😏)
-i was walking with millie when we bumbed into Zoëy-
'Hey look out!' I said annoyed
'S..sorry' Zoëy said
'Mike! Be nice!' Millie said
'She just needs to look out' i said
'Hey ehm sorry about Mike' millie told Zoëy
'O...okay' Zoëy said
'Hey you seem lost, are you new here? And where are you from?' Millie asked
'B..bad p..place' Zoëy said
-millie looked at Finn, fear in her eyes-
'Hey ehm, do you need to go somewhere?' Millie asked
'E..ehm, Hawkins high?' Zoëy said
'Stop!' Matt duffer said
'Zoëy? Do you think you can do a action scene?' He asked Zoëy
'Yeah sure!' She told Matt

⚠️warning: guns (fake)⚠️

(Action scene🤗)
-i held a gun to Zoëy's head- (fake gun)
'Youre not going anywhere, 004' i said
-she wimpered in pain and fear-
-I pushed the gun closer to her head, but before i could pull the trigger she kicked me and broke out of my grip-
'You stupid piece of shit!' I yelled
-millie ran in-
'MIKE! what the hell!' Millie said
'Okay, we have seen enough! You can go home now Zoëy' Matt said
-Zoëy walked away and out the room-

~at break~
(Still Finn's pov)

'Zoëy was amazing' millie said
'Yeah i agree' i said thinking of Zoëy's performance
'If she doesn't get's casted i'll throw my phone in that garbage bin' Millie said pointing at the garbage bin that was standing in the corner of the room
'You better do that now cuz i'm sure i'll be casted as 004' Rebecca one of the girls who auditioned said and walked over to our table
'Go away Rebecca' Noah said
'Ugh!' She said whiping her hair to the side, before walking away with her friends
'I cant stand that girl!' Millie said
'No one can, she's just so arrogant and annoying' i said

~at Zoëy's appartment~
(Zoëy pov)

-i was just playing some games with kayla when the phone rang-
'Go get the phone girl!' Kayla said
-i ran to the phone and accepted it-
'Hey is this Zoëy lois Lee?' Matt duffer asked
'Yeah? Thats me' i said
'Were happy to inform you youre casted for the role of 004!' Matt said
-I almost sceamed of happiness- 'thank you so much!' I said
'No problem, we'll see you tomorrow for your first day' Matt said
'Bye, i'll see you tomorrow then' i said excited
'Yes Bye see you tomorrow' Matt said and hung up
'And did you get the part?' Kayla asked as soon as i walked into the room smiling
'Yeah i got the role!' I said practicly jumping up and down from excitement
'Yess girl i knew you'd get the role!' Kayla said excited for me

~smile through the pain~ F.w (Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now