28 ~hospitalized~

79 1 0

⚠️warning: IV, idk what else⚠️

Finn's pov

'Finn?' Nick ran up to me and pulled me by my arm
'Yeah? I'm coming' i say annoyed as i make my way to the entrance of the hospital with my parents and Nick
-we get to the department i have my appointment at, after i got checked in by the receptionist, we take a seat and wait-
'I'm kinda nervous' i say to Nick
'relax, she's only going to give you a check-up, Nothing new right?' Nick reasured me
'No you're right, nothing to worry about. I shouldn't be such a pussy' i say confident, tho there are still thoughts going around in my head

'Finn wolfhard!' doctor Smith calls out

-i walk up to her and greeted-
'Hello Finn, i hope you're doing well'
'I'm okay, all great' i lied, my thoughts going crazy
'Good to hear' she says as we walk into one of the ultrasound rooms
'Could you lay on the bed for me? And please take of your shirt' Dr Smith asks while she sets up the ultrasound and closes the door
'Okay' i say while taking of my shirt and then went to lay on the bed
'Ready?' The doctor asks me
'Yes' i say nervously
-she begins the ultrasound, i get really nervous when she goes close to my heart, i closed my eyes not wanting to see the result of the ultrasound on the screen-
'Okay Finn so, i'm going to need a other doctor to talk to you about these results, because i'm going to talk to your parents and brother in private about this, okay?' The doctor says as she quikly puts away the ultrasound
'O..okay' i say putting my shirt back on and wait for the other doctor to come

~time skip~ (very capyslay💅🏻🦛)

Finn's pov

'Hello Finn' a doctor walked in, she wasn't wearing a doctors jacket but fairly normal clothes
'Hi' i say nervously
'I'm doctor Mackenzie' the doctor says as she closes the door and sits next to me
'So doctor Smith send me the results of the ultrasound and told me to talk about the results with you'
'Is it bad?' I ask her
'i dont really know how to tell you this Finn' she says
'Oh, it's bad isn't it?' I ask concerned
-she nods-
'What is it?' I ask not wanting to look at the doctor
'So, you know when you got a new heart right?' She asks me concerned
'Yes?' I say, it coming out as more of a question rather then an answer
'Your system is blocking your new heart out, not letting blood in your heart, the medicine you take prevents you from dying, but it isn't strong enough to protect you from you're own body killing itself. You're going to need to spend a while on the intensive care' she explains
'What are the doctors going to do with my body to prevent it from killing itself?' I ask tears freatening to spill
'Well, you're going to be under pretty heavy medicine and supervision' she says
'Will it hurt?' I ask
'We havent had much of these serious cases before, we dont know how bad it's going to be for you, and everyone has different expierences with this' she says
'So i'm going to need to see?' I ask
'Yeah, you'll be alright, besides this treatment will only be temporarely untill you're stabilized' she tells me
'O..okay' i say
'I'll be visiting you from time to time, atleast the time you're going to spend here, just to see how you're doing, and i need to warn you that you can't have more then three visitors at a time and they have 10 minutes to stay with you' she says
'Okay' i say trying my hardest not to cry
'You'll be spending most of you're time laying in bed and giving your body rest'
'i'll probably get bored really fast' i say
'You dont need to be bored when your under heavy medicine, and when you arent under the influence of sleep pills and other heavy medicine you're going to need check-ups a lot and probably CT scans and ultrasounds, eventually you're going to get visio to get you're body back to walking and the normal stuff' she says
'Oh, okay' i say not knowing how to respond or what to do
-the door opens and doctor Smith comes in with my parents and my brother-
'Omg Finn!' My mom says as soon as she sees me
-i run up to my parents and hug them. Then i hug my brother, putting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Oh how did i wish my own heart wouldn't constantly skip a beat, my chest always ached when my heart would do that. I felt horrible and weak-
'Finn, You okay buddy?' Nick asked as we pull out of the hug
'I'll manage' i say
'Finn, are you coming' dr Smith asks me
'Coming' i say following her to a room filled with doctors and nurses. my parents and Nick wait outside the room where the doctors are going to start my treatment
'So we are going to need to put you to sleep Finn' dr Smith says
'T..to sleep?' I ask, my fear taking me over
'Dont worry you wont feel a thing' one of the doctor says while she slips a oxygenmask over my nose and mouth
'Dont worry, just breath. You're going to feel yourself doze of just keep breathing' dr Smith says grabbing something from a drawer, i couldn't see what it was because i started to doze of and eventually i fell into a tight sleep

(No one's pov)

-the doctor hooked Finn up to a heart monitor to keep track of his heartbeat and an IV with white coloured liquid, probably heavy antibiotics and a mix of much more medicine, like sedative and painkillers, maybe even something to fight the bad bloodcells in his system, Finn's parents and Nick were really concerned about his circumstances and the fact that he's going to be on life support half of the time-

~time skip (my dad went to get milk last night🥛🥲. I actually hate milk 😏🤢)

Finn's pov

-i opened my eyes and looked around me. At first i didn't reconise anything, but after closer look i found myself hooked up to the all so well known IV and heart monitor *sigh*
I was in a bed, there were curtains around the bed and a lot of machines i was hooked up to. I felt like something was off, was i really supposed to have so many machines i was hooked up to? So much medication?
I moved my eyes around the small room untill i saw Nick sitting on a chair close to one of the many monitors
'How are you feeling Finn?' He asked
'Numb, my muscles ache, my whole body basicly aches' i say wimpering
'Oh Finn, you'll be okay, if it hurts just tell me, i'll inform a nurse, maybe doctor Smith even' he says
'Thanks Nick, you're the best' i say looking at my brother
'Aww, you're amazing to' he says slowly giving me a hug, i lay my head on his shoulder. I'm happy that i atleast have my brother to support me



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❤️ 💬 🔀

JackDgrazer and 134,80 others liked

Finnwolfhard_official: so.... here i'm getting my medicine from a doctor and you might be wondering why i'm in the hospital again?

Basicly, as you may know or may not know. I got a heart transplant a few months ago and the doctors found out that my body is pushing my new heart away. I'm on the intensive care right now, i get pretty heavy medicine like painkillers and sedative, dont worry i'll keep you updated on this hectic journey (or well Nick does, i cant do much because of sleep pills and i need lots of rest😴🥱)


I'll be okay ❤️‍🩹 🤒

Fillieshipper2: Finn noo! Please dont die😭🥺
Finnwolfhard_official: i dont think he will (It's Nick, Finn is resting so i manage his instagram and update you on Finn's condition)
Fillieshipper2: he better not die, if he does i'm going to kill myself
Finnwolfhard_official: no, dont kill yourself 🥺
Noahschnapp: omg, you better be okay! 🥺
Finnwolfhard_official: he's doing good now, he's in pain but the doctors see progress in his system so thats good
(It's me Nick)
Noahschnapp: its good that there's progress, even little progress good, get well my friend 🤒😥
Milliebobbybrown: okay, if he's better i'm going to need answers! Get better soon finn🤒🥺
Finnwolfhard_official: Oh no millie what are you planning? (It's Nick)
JackDgrazer: good to see he's being taken care of, i have faith that he'll be okay. Get well buddy 🤒
Gaten123: it can always go wrong, but good to see he's holding on. Miss you bud, Get well soon ❤️

Yess! Finally motivated to do a new chapter, hope you liked it. Its late i better go to sleep now🤭😴🥱
Byebye broschicho's 👋
Wordcount 1560

(Hey, this is editing me, i went back through these chapters and took out any mistakes, i'm lazy so not all of the mistakes are fixed)

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