Crowley's Fall~

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~(Crowley's name will be Raphael in this fanfic)~

"Jeez, Aziraphale you can't do this. You'll get in trouble with the higher ups.", Raphael warns. "Oh hush now, Raphael. I won't get caught, don't worry. And I trust you won't tell anyone, please?", Aziraphale begged with puppy eyes. "... Ugh fine but if you're caught don't drag me down with you. Cute angel bastard.", Raphael grumbled under his breath as he crossed his arms over his chest. Aziraphale smiled brightly.

"What was that last part Raphael dear?", Aziraphale teased as he got a bit closer to Raphael. Raphael flustered at the proximity that their faces were and just put a hand on Aziraphale's face to push him away gently. Aziraphale giggled. Giving him a quick peck on the lips after Raphael had removed his hand from his face. Raphael only flustered even more.

Aziraphale looked at him lovingly for a bit before returning to create the thing. "Aziraphale, Raphael. How are you two?", Gabriel came up behind them. Aziraphale quickly turned to look up at Gabriel, making sure to hide what he was working on behind his back. He smiles at Gabriel. "We're quite alright, Gabriel. How might you be?", Aziraphale replied. "I'm doing good, yeah..- hey what are you working on?", Gabriel asks noticing Aziraphale hiding something behind his back. "Oh, it's nothing truly important.", Aziraphale nervously said. "Oh alright if you say so-", Gabriel started before taking it with his powers and looking over it.

"What the-", Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the creation. Aziraphale's face went to one of panic as he stuttered to speak up and explain, but before he could say anything Raphael spoke up. "You like my creation? I'm calling it a Snake. 'Super. New. Animal. Known. Ever.' is what it's short for.", Raphael spoke with confidence. "This. This is highly unacceptable. The higher ups should be notified on this immediately, and Aziraphale.. I thought you were better than this."

"Don't blame Aziraphale, I told him to keep it secret, it's my  fault not his.", Raphael interrupted. "And you. Raphael. I knew I never liked you for a reason. First you were hanging out with those delinquents like Lucifer, and now you're making these unholy creations. I'm reporting you and your delinquent friends to God. She'll know how to handle you.", Gabriel finished before stalking off. Aziraphale tried to convince him not to but his pleads fell on deaf ears as Gabriel was absolutely set on this.

Aziraphale quickly whipped back around to Raphael. "Why would take the blame?! It wasn't yours to take and-and-" he started tearing up a bit. "They'll send you down to hell if he tells and I don't want to be apart from you.. ", Aziraphale said in a quieter tone of voice. Raphael stepped closer to Aziraphale. "Aziraphale look at me.. look at me." He grabs Aziraphale's face and gently made Aziraphale look at him. "I took the blame because I love you.. Also you wouldn't last a day down there, you're too kind and sweet. "

Aziraphale chuckled sadly "that is true I suppose- and you are much tougher than me to be able to put up with it." Raphael smiles before pulling Aziraphale's face close to his slowly before kissing him softly. They kiss sweetly for a few minutes before breaking apart. Raphael looked down at Aziraphale with a soft smile on his face, wiping the tears from Aziraphale's cheek with his thumbs. Aziraphale closed his eyes and smiled, leaning into Raphael's touch.

"That angel there, Raphael." They heard the familiar booming voice of Gabriel say. They turned to look and saw him and two larger angels besides him, basically the guards of Heaven if you will. Raphael turned Aziraphale towards himself so he could look him in the eyes. "I love you Aziraphale. Even if I do get sent to hell I'll always be in your memories, and we can always meet secretly if we can figure out a way.", Raphael says to try comforting Aziraphale. Aziraphale quickly hugged Raphael tightly, not wanting to let go.

The guards took Raphael, tearing them from their hug. Raphael didn't try to fight back knowing that'd only make things worse. Aziraphale let the tears fall from his eyes as he watched Raphael get pulled away from him. Gabriel went up behind Aziraphale and wraps his arm around his shoulder to try comfort him.

"This is for the best Aziraphale. He was up to no good.", He spoke softly. Aziraphale just shrugged off his arm harshly as he cried quietly. Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed before he had an idea. Gabriel took out something from his pocket discretely, a small pouch full of sparkling powder before he threw the powder at Aziraphale's face. Aziraphale coughed "what are you-... You" his voice started to quiet, his vision blurring at the edges before an overwhelming darkness covers his sight completely.


Aziraphale came to a bit later in a white fluffy bed. Aziraphale looked around his surroundings before sitting up, holding his head in his hands at the slight pounding in his skull. Gabriel came in just then "oh good you're awake then", he greeted before sitting on the bed. "Where am I? And w-who are you?", Aziraphale looked around confused.

"I'm the archangel Gabriel and I'm your... boyfriend.. and your in my quarters in heaven.", Gabriel said 'boyfriend' with distaste but Aziraphale was none the wiser. "Oh.. yes. I'm sorry I don't seem to remember anything before now... What happened to me?", Aziraphale said apologetically. "You got into a terrible fight with a demon. He threw a special kind of powder in your face that's made you forget everything. I don't know why the demon did this though. I'm sorry I couldn't be of anymore help. "

Gabriel's fake act went unnoticed by Aziraphale as he assured Gabriel that at least he tried to help. Gabriel let a small, undetectable, sly smirk dances across his lips. He was going to have an immense amount of fun exploiting Azira's memory loss.

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