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“To kill a mockingbird means to kill innocence

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To kill a mockingbird means
to kill innocence.
The question left is:
Did you kill the body or the

 The question left is: Did you kill the body or the soul?”

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There was a fine line betweengood and evil, law and chaos

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There was a fine line between
good and evil, law and chaos. The line can sometimes be that fine that good can appear as good although it is evil. And evil can appear as evil although it is good.

Gwendolyn Grissom has been called many things. Freak. Blood expert. Lady of bugs.

And yet the young crime scene investigator has the respect of her colleagues. Returning to Las Vegas and joining her father's team she did not expect to stumble into a love that made her combust. Nick Stokes was a man who took her heart and set it aflame in the heat of desire and love.

She did not expect to stumble into a mole in the police. She did not expect to be pulled into the game of love and war. It had been good versus bad all her life and yet, the rules had changed. Good could turn evil and still be seen as good.

Yet it always takes two to play a game of chess.

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warningsmentions of canon-typical violence, alcohol, torture, mentions of alcohol consume, non— explicit sexual content, body dysmorphia,mentions of eating disorder

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mentions of canon-typical violence, alcohol, torture, mentions of alcohol consume, non— explicit sexual content, body dysmorphia,mentions of eating disorder. please be cautious when reading and take caution as i never intend on anyone to be harmed by my works. so please take caution if any of these are triggering for you.

dedicated to my loves andorss,
meIeys, nostalgiclogan, jediorders, sokastano, CoraEx, haderology, vigilanteshxt, binarysun, love you guys.


Welcome to Mockingbird! Well, there's not much to say unless the
fact that I do not own CSI but only
my own ocs and subplots.

Speaking of this Mockingbird is a
part of a duology named Songbird
and also might have a few crossover
chapters with the Criminal Minds verse Killer Queen.

Speaking of it will be very heavily based of sub-plots and will be
very oc-centric. I am very excited to introduce you to Gwen's character and her personal feud with day shift.
Will she make bad choices? Yes.
Will she be redeemed for all of them?
Only I know that. And well, Dani.

Special thanks to the best andorss who listened to me rant about Gwen and Nick and the entire plot and also the eventual crossover with the Criminal Minds fic. If one knoes all pain that will come it's her so truly thank you for letting me rant all
about it. I love you.

I could go on for hours about this but I'll leave it at this place. I hope you've a wonderful time with this fic!

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