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A single light was burning in the office. All the other rooms were in darkness, the computers were humming quietly. It looked deserted, were it not for the two shadows.

The two women sat opposite of each other, staring at each other.
The female captain expected anger in the eyes of the woman in front of her. And yet, there was not an ounce of this fueling fire that could be unleashed. Instead it seemed like she was calculated, cold, maybe even in shock. She saw how the eyes moved, raking over the exterior of the office before settling on the two cups of tea.

No interrogation room, just a simple, plain office. There had been no questioning as there was no culprit in the room. She never had been the culprit. The woman may have anger issues, she may have trust issues, but she was no murderer. If anything she herself was a victim and a player in the never ending game of justice.

“You're free to go. Thank you for your help.” The woman remained seated for a few seconds, waiting for the trap to snap shut. It never happened. And then the other woman saw respect and trust in the blonde's eyes. She rose slowly, shaking the hand and walking towards the door. There, she stopped again, turning back to the woman behind the desk.          

       “Remember when you asked me why I became a CSI and left my old position? I now have an answer. I like to see justice prevail. I like to bring justice to the victims. It may not be much, but it is enough for me to live with everything. Thank you for believing in me. Goodnight, Captain.”
Before the woman finally disappeared out the door, the older, black-haired woman cleared her throat once more. The blonde woman remained standing, her back still turned towards her.

"Where to now?" she asked. She could already roughly imagine it, but even if the woman no longer worked for her, she had become something like a daughter to her. A deep breath slowly expelled.

"I haven't visited my father for a long time. It's time to return to the city of sins." With that, she disappeared into the glooming light of the corridor.

The woman laughed softly. Oh, there would be a storm over Las Vegas once the woman would return. With a smile on her lips she reached for her phone. She had promised an old friend to inform him if she would leave this job.

“Gilbert? Yes, your little bug is on her way home.”

✩。:•.───── .•:。✩


Ah, here we go with the prologue.
I am really excited to introduce
you all to Gwendolyn "Bug” Grissom.
The next chapter should be up within the next two to three weeks.
Until then I hope that you
enjoyed this.

𝐌𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃 ¹ - N. Stokes Where stories live. Discover now