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The woman from
Las Vegas
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Home. Something that could be defined in many ways. For some, it was a place, for others people. For some people it was both and others were wandering souls, lost in the flow of time. Some returned from their wandering others never returned. Some found home far away from the place they grew up and others never left. It was the study of a concept no one could really explain. Home could mean something different for each soul.

For Gwendolyn Grissom, home had been no place or person for the past years. Travelling the world had left its scars on marred skin, causing pain and joy. Now, she felt at peace. Crossing the passport control, hearing the thick accent some loved and others hated felt like home. Seeing the familiar face of her father felt like home to her. Hearing his voice calling out her name like in her childhood felt like home. Feeling her father's arms around her felt like home. The rush and blinking lights of the city of sins called her, welcomed her back home. And as the shadows crept closer to the airport promised sins and wealth she knew that some of those on her plane would leave with nothing. She sought up all these feelings of homecoming, locking them in her soul.

“How was your flight, bug?” Her father's voice sounded and tore her attention from the people around them. A smile was visible on Gil Grissom's lips as he stared at his daughter. Gwendolyn Grissom was smiling tiredly yet genuine.
“Tiring. But I am ready to get to work, Dad.” He chuckled and although he had told her again and again that she did not need to start immediately she insisted. He noticed all the small changes that happened since they last saw each other three months ago. A scar was visible at her hairline, faded. The dark blonde grew slowly but steadily out of the mahogany  hair. Dark circles were under her eyes, almost as if she hadn't slept the last few nights. Something that worried him. But instead of addressing it now in the midst of people returning home, holidaying and departing, he decided to wait. This was something better addressed in a protected space.

Instead, he took her suitcase, smiled and said: "Let's go to the lab. Even though I still think you can start tomorrow, Gwen. Work is not going to run away from you." Gwen sighed.
“I know, Dad, I just want to meet them all and start working.” A fond smile found itself on his lips as the determination in her voice reminded him back to her toddler years. Same determination in vouce, same glimmer in eyes. He just laughed in reply before father and daughter disappeared into the moving crowd towards the city of sins.

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“Does anyone know why Grissom isn't here yet? And who our mysterious new team member is?” Nick Stokes, a man with black hair asked. He alongside his colleagues sat in the break room, a detective from homicide sitting with them. The homicide detective, James Brass, chuckled lightly. If his laughter earned him some confused looks he ignored them blissfully.

“Grissom picks our new team member up”, Sara Sidle responded eyeing Brass suspiciously. He knew something about that new team member. They barely knew anything about her, just that she was working in crime scene investigation, had been involved in domestic and foreign cases and had specialised in blood and bugs. When Warrick had spoken of the similarity between the new one and Gil, Brass and Catherine both had started laughing. A look from Gil had them shut up quickly yet the other three team members had been asking questions since that moment.

“Why doesn't he pick us up?”, Warrick questioned, taking a sip of coffee. Nick snorted at Warrick's words. He was curious about the new team member, hoped that the cooperation would work well. Gil had let him look at her file once. The only problem was that the first page with personal information was missing. When he had asked Grissom about it, he had only said with a smile that they would have to be patient. Footsteps made them sit up straight and fall silent. Through the window in the break room they saw Gil walking down the hallway, a smaller woman dressed in a black suit with blond hair walking beside him. Both were talking quietly.

"Who is the blond woman next to Grissom?" Warrick questioned. Brass chuckled. He knew that questions would be asked for the next few days once the young woman's name would fall. Nick craned his neck while Sara studied the woman's face through the window. There was a striking similarity in the woman's facial structure and the one of Gil.

“That, Warrick, is one of the best, bug-affine investigators I know”, Brass declared, a smile on his face.

As the two entered the break room the woman stopped a step behind Gil. The team watched their supervisor intently, waiting for him to say something. Nick noticed the files in Grissom's hands.
“This is our new team member, Gwendolyn Grissom”, Gil spoke.

One could have heard a pin drop as stunned silence spread through the room. Warrick, Sara and Nick looked at each other, confusion in their eyes. Grissom? Had they got the surname right?

"Hello, everyone," Gwendolyn spoke and a slight but uncertain smile played around her lips. Brass and Catherine rose, both glad to finally greet Gwen again.

"My daughter," Gil added, seeing the questioning looks. He also noticed how Gwen and Nick kept looking at each other. Their gazes lingered on each other, always returned, almost as if they were looking in each other's souls.

"You can ask questions later, but we have cases that require our attention. Sara, Catherine and Warrick, you have a case in Casino Black. Nick, Gwen and I will be investigating with Brass in the Southern Highland district."

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Ah, it's finally here! I cannot
tell you all how excited I am
for this story and the slowest
slow burn as sub plot.
Until the next update
I hope that you
enjoyed this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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