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(Jess's POV)

"You mean, you don't recognize me?" I cried.

"Was I supposed to?" Louis laughed, shrugging, looking round at the boys, who all shrugged, then looked back at me. I recovered myself. As I realized, believing it was inevitable, which it probably was, seeing as he is a world famous pop star, but still I thought Louis was different, we WERE the bestest friends in the whole world after all, but I guess not; I guess I thought wrong.

"No, sorry, you weren't, wrong guy" I fake smiled.

"Wrong Louis, you reminded her of someone in her childhood, she gets a bit confuzzled sometimes" Skye added, giggling at her comment. Oh dear. I love that girl so much. She, I knew, would always be there for me. No matter what. And I would be for her.

(Skye's POV)

"It's ok" Louis smiled. I could tell, for Jessica, nothing would ever be ok, she had just been completely humiliated.. Louis was, and she though still is, her first ever best friend. They were closer than anything. I've seen the photos of them, they day they met, Louis' 3rd birthday party, first footy match, prom. Everything. And he can't even remember a moment of her.

(Jessica's POV)

"Right well I can't stand around all day, much as I would like" I smiled slightly, looking to Skye who laughed quietly. "Some of us have work to do" I smiled, faintly.

(Skye's POV)

I watched her leave, she walked with such sadness. The normal bounce in her stride, gone, replaced with, anger, frustration and upset, she walked briskly to her office, likely so she could cry by herself without fear of being disturbed. Because if anyone had an issue they would first come to me and today if someone did have an issue, I would fix it myself. Jess doesn't need this today. You see, Jess has depression, she's bipolar to be more exact, Louis helped her through it, and then forgot who she was. I can't even imagine how hard that must have hit her.

I got back to my work, which I found out proves rather difficult when you have a very hot guy called Niall Horan looking at you every 5 seconds.

(Niall's POV)

God Skye's hot. she's exactly what I look for a girl, and more. She has an adorable personality, beautiful smile (though she can't see it), great sense of humour and her eyes well, let's just say, whenever she's in a room, my eyes never leave her. She's sexy as, she'd beat any model any day (not mentioning any names *cough* Barbara Palvin *cough*) yet she doesn't like her body, or models and she just can't see just how mesmerizing she really is. She looks so lonely, especially when she works at her desk, filing papers, typing on the computer. She looks bored, tired, like her life essence is being drained from her. I think it's time I spiced up her life. God she's so cute; every time she looks up and her eyes lock with mine, she smiles sweetly, blushes and looks away, completely adorable. And don't even get me started on her eyes. God they were the shiniest eyes, shiny like a polished shiny brown leather boot, bit like Zayn's but with more red, and sparkle.

(Skye's POV)

1D were sticking around. They'd inspected the whole place, given us the clear but they didn't want to leave and we weren't really in a position to refuse them. Besides they  had signed themselves to a coalition project with us, Jessica's company. Why? I ask myself. the boys have  known us a about a 2 weeks and already want to work with us, on fashion!!! Jessica and Louis were completely ignoring each other and I have no idea what to do about it but to just leave them to it.

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