The Goblet

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Those girls were brilliant weren't they?" Ron said drooling a little
"Yeah," Harry said flatly
"Oh come on Ron, do you want to me to tell Luna your fawning over them?" Hermione said still looking at Harry
"Ok alright, but she's Veela I'm telling you," Ron said

"Harry we're going to the library," Hermione said taking Harry's hand and leading Harry out, "oh yeah Luna wants to see you," she added which Ron beamed at

"we are?" Harry said walking out the room.
"Yes, after breakfast," Hermione said
"Sure I actually wanted to go to the library," Harry said

"WHAT!" Hermione said in a shrilly voice
"Yeah, I wanted to go to get a book about girls and how they work, and how to ask them out?" Harry said smiling
"Is that you asking me out?" Hermione pushed him playfully

"Um yes," Harry was red and he could see Hermione knew he was nervous
"Hmm, of course, I'll go out with you," she said beaming and she hugged him
"I was going to ask you at the lake, but you nearly drowned me," Harry said laughing with a bit of relief

"Should eat?" Hermione asked
"Oh! Yes," Harry said walking by Hermione into the hall for breakfast. Everyone hall was staring at them, Harry looked around and he blushed.
"What did I do?" Harry asked
"Your hair Harry," Hermione said in a fit of giggles. It was true, his hair was messy and spiky with hints of gel in it and just all over the place. Some of the girls were going red looking at Harry's hair as if it were a cute kitten and the boys were laughing either in wickedness like Malfoy or in just funniness like Ron and Neville.

Harry sat next to Hermione who handed him a piece of toast and a rash of bacon. Harry took the butter and spread it on his toast and the talk turned back to crushes.

"So how long have you liked Harry?" Neville said looking at Hermione
Hermione blushed bright red before looking at her plate and squeezing out, "since first year," she let out a small giggle.

"Really!?" Harry said as a small grin formed on Harry's face
"Awww," Neville said and Ron started to draw on his napkin a picture of Luna and him outside looking at a Christmas Tree

"Yeah I kind off formed a crush on you after the time with the troll," Hermione said going scarlet
"Whataboutyou?" Neville said trying to speak but he blushed as Padma walked past

"Um I think it was either when Hermione gave me the bravery speech, or when she got pertrified," Harry said going quite red
"Aww, anyway shall we got to the library?" Hermione said biting into a piece of toast
"Ok, bye Ron, bye Neville," Harry said following Hermione

"Bye," Ron said looking over at Luna
"Huh what? Oh yeah, bye Harry and Hermione," Neville said nearly drooling over Padma and missed a rash of bacon with his fork.
In the library, Harry and Hermione sat and talked quietly while Hermione picked out some books and Harry got a head start on the homework he had. That was until Malfoy came in.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry said looking up at the greasy-haired blonde boy
"Yeah, please we're busy," Hermione groaned
"Um, well, I was, well, wondering if you could- get, Ginny, to um, well go out with me because I have a really huge crush on her but I don't want anyone to know, but I want to tell her. I just don't think she'll like me though because I'm such a bully and-" Malfoy said

"Draco," Harry said and Malfoy turned in shock, Harry never called him by his first name, "Everyone does things they're not proud of, and I'm obviously not going to be best friends with you- but I'll help you with Ginny," Harry said
"Thank you," Malfoy paused, "Harry," he walked off and went back into the Great Hall. Hermione stood there with her mouth wide open.

"What. Just. Happened?" she said looking at Harry who shrugged and took Hermione's hand
"Come on we're going to be late, I want to see who's going to enter their name in!" Harry said running out the library with Hermione close on his tail. It was showering and many students were screaming as the crammed into the small room where people had already started to put their names in. Harry watched as all the Beauxbatons girls but their

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