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Dear Father
Earlier this week I was approached by one Harry Potter. After talking with him he confessed that the Potter family had Bethrothal contracts with our family, the Bones, the Patils, and the Delacours from France. After much discussion Potter admitted to not knowing how to pick between us. His response and the fact that he is the lord to so many families that can not be absorbed into another, the girls and I decided that we would all marry him as well as his close friend muggle-born Hermione Granger.
Today my letter is to tell you of some disturbing information that Harry has informed me of. Not only was he placed with muggles as a child, but the dark lord is still alive and was at Hogwarts our first year having possessed our defense teacher. Harry fought the Dark lord again and won. Then last year Sirius escaped from Azkaban, Harry informed me that Pettigrew is still alive and Sirius Black is not only innocent but he never had a trial. Dumbledore is also gone from Hogwarts, Harry's doing, apparently he was impersonating Harry and stealing from him, he's locked up in the goblin cells, so he will never be coming back. The other girls are writing similar letters to their parents and Padmas uncle so they should be able to be trusted.
Your loving Daughter
Dear Papa
Lord Potter has excepted our contact as well as several others on our persuasion. He has agreed to let our second child be the heir to the Delacour line. I have vastly underestimated this young man. I don't think he's ever been a child, he has not only fought the dark Lord Voldemort at age eleven and survived, he has also survived a sixty meter basilisk. That will be verified in my next letter. Harry has also told me that he was placed with muggles by Albus Dumbledore who has also been steaming from his vaults. Dumbledore is currently residing with the Goblins until further notice and Harry has taken control of Hogwarts.
I have someone I want you to meet at Pottier manor in France, Harry's godfather a one Sirius Black. He is innocent but the British have a kill on sight order so he does not dare turn himself in. We are hoping you could help him as an asylum seeker until the mess here is cleaned up.
Love your daughter
Dear Aunty
Harry has agreed to uphold the bethrothal contract between Bones and Potter, I will be one of five wives. The others being Padma Patil, Daphne Greengrass, Hermione Granger, and Fleur Delacour. We all have betrothal contracts with the potters except for Hermione but she's been in love with Harry for quite a while. I find my self falling in love with him the more I learn about him. Speaking of that I believe Harry has informed you of the innocence of Sirius Black, the Greengrass and Patil families have agreed to help get him cleared. Although due to his time in Azkaban Harry has been named Lord Black although the public does not know of this yet. But I fear I have even graver news, Harry told us that during our first year Voldemort possessed the defense teacher Quirrell. Quirrell died later that year after attacking Harry.
With love
Susan Bones.
Dear father and Uncle
I hope this letter reaches both of you well. This last week has been a drastic change. Harry Potter has taken his lordships, although it has not been made public. He has agreed to honor our betrothal agreement but he also had others to honor as well. After our marriage I shall be Lady Padma Ravenclaw Prevell. Which brings me to some news about Harry, his godfather Sirius Black is innocent. Harry has informed us of what had happened last year between him and Black. Black apparently escaped from Azkaban after seeing a picture of Peter Pettigrew in his animagus form. He broke out to protect Harry. After confronting Black, Harry found out that he had never had a trial! He was sent to Azkaban illegally! Not only that but Dumbledore has placed Harry with his mothers MUGGLE sister!
Although the Dumbledore problem is dealt with already. Anyone will have trouble getting him out of the goblin cells after he was caught stealing from Harry's vaults. The great Albus Dumbledore a theif! Amelia Bones and Gerald Greengrass are already aware of what's transpired. I would like your help in the matter uncle, they can be trusted.
Your daughter and niece
Padma Patil

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