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Ugh I hate getting up early on a non-working day, but I couldn't sleep at all this night. All I could think about was Mason and why he wanted to talk about our breakup, I mean it was almost two years ago, so I don't think that there is anything we need to talk about, but after all the thinking I went through this night I'm really considering if I should go out with him and let him explain whatever he feels like it needs any explaining. Maybe after he explains everything he thought lead to our breakup I would finally be able to move on and live my life the same I used to.

After overthinking everything from about the last 24 hours I decided to get dressed and go out with Mason, because I really want to move on from everything that happened between us and maybe be friends with him again.

Later when finally I got myself to look somehow decent, I went to the guest room so I can tell Mason that I'm going to let him explain himself. As I was walking down the hall I was fighting myself to not just run back to my room and not get out of it until he is gone to Portsmouth, but what kind of independent woman at the age of 23 would do that. 

"Okay Olivia let's just open that door and get over with this" I whispered to myself as I knocked on the guests room door waiting for a response. Just when I was ready to go back to my room, because Mason wasn't responding to my constant knocking on the damn door, he finally opened the door and when I tell you that my jaw dropped I wasn't lying. Why would he open the door without a shirt on, it could have been my grandma that was outside that door and when did the man get such a body, damn Olivia why would you say that... because it's true maybe! Okay concentration is the key Liv.

"Hey!" okay out of everything you could say, you had to say that, what the hell is wrong with you... "Hey Olivia, I see that you considered my offer." the man is confident "Well I figured that I could use some breakfast and I know that you never let the lady pay, so it's a bonus that I will let you explain yourself." I said and I meant it, I could really use some breakfast . "Okay just let me get ready" he said "I will be waiting for you in the kitchen"

Surprisingly my mother was the only one in the kitchen drinking her morning coffee. "Good morning mother!" she just smiled at me before asking me where I was dressed up for. "I am just going out for a breakfast with Mason." oh boy I haven't seen her that happy since our older brother got married "So you guys finally realised that you should get together again?" definitely not happening "Mom we are not getting back together, he just wants to explain himself" the look she gave me after saying that definitely wasn't a happy one, but at that moment Mason entered the room before she could save anything and I really hesitated giving him the biggest hug after saving me from my angry mother.

"Good morning Teresa." and with that said the woman was happy again, damn what was this guy doing to my family "Shall we get going Liv?" he hasn't called me that since we broke up, but it still had the same effect on me and I hated it. "Let's go Mason!" I said basically dragging him out of the kitchen. 

When I was just about to get in the passenger seat, Mason came and opened the door for me "Thank you Mase" oh god I guess we were bringing back the nicknames... "Always, Olivia!" damn    just Olivia.

The ride to the bakery we were going to wasn't long and it surprisingly wasn't awkward at all. When we arrived Mason hurried to get to my door before I could get out, so he can open my door for me, what a gentleman. Walking into the bakery unlocked memories from my childhood, this has been my favourite place in London since forever.

"Olivia I am so sorry for everything I put you through and I will always regret breaking up with you when you weren't even here!" Mason said and I swear he looked like he would start crying at every moment now "Mase you really put me through a lot, but I really wasn't right to doubt your loyalty just because you wanted to live your life the way people our age do. So we both weren't right at that situation."

"Olivia, please let's be friends again, this is all I'm asking you for I just can't stand you not being in my life." wow I didn't expect that "Of course Mase, but please just give me some time." and with that said I felt like everything was going back to normal. 

When we got home I just went to my room, so I can process everything that is going on my life right now and Mason was going back to his house for the weekend. Later there was a knock on my door and it was my brother. "Hey Dec what's up?" I said "Oh nothing much I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me and the guys later, they have been wanting to see you." to be honest a night filled with guys wasn't on my bucket list right now "Dec I really don't feel like going out with only men tonight." I really didn't "Oh don't worry Lauren is also going. " damn I love Lauren "Okay then we have a deal." I was kinda excited to meet Lauren and the guys after such a long time, so I started getting ready.

At eight o'clock my brother called me from downstairs which meant that Lauren was here and we were ready to go. As soon as I saw my brother's girlfriend I ruined towards her so I can hug her as soon as possible "I missed you so much Lauren!" I squinted "I missed you too Livie" that was a nickname I only allowed her to call me.

The ride to Mason's house wasn't long and I spend the time admiring all the beautiful houses  in the neighbourhood.

"Hey Livie do you feel comfortable being here after everything?" I always loved Lauren, because she always asked me about what I felt and made me comfortable to express all my feelings in from of her "It's okay Laur I talked to him and we sorted everything out, we are friends again." but Lauren didn't look convinced at all "Are you sure that you don't like him as more than a friend anymore?" i mean I don't right? "Positive!"

That for sure is going to be a long night....

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