Foosha Village! Enter, Monkey D. Luffy!

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I groaned as I landed on the floor, "Hey! Girl, you alright?"

Looking up, my eyes met with someone unfamiliar, "Who are you?" I asked curiously.

The man chuckled, "I am Yasopp," he smiled, "You're Hikari right?"

I nodded at him, "Yah know, I've got a son, he's around your age, or maybe older.." he trailed.

I kept on nodding as he told his story about his son Usopp, apparently, he left his son for the sea, "So, you left Usopp, for the sea?"

He looked at me, and nodded, "I really miss him though," he spoke, sadness evident in his voice, "We're here!!"

He stood up quickly, "We've landed, come on," taking my small hand, he dragged me out the room, and onto the deck.

"HEY YASOPP! Be careful with her," Shanks spoke from the other side of the deck.


I turned around, then suddenly grinned at the sight before me, it was a small village, but it looks homey, and welcoming.

Fuusha Village eh?

I smiled giddily at Shanks, my lips quivering with excitement, "Laaaaand!" the whole crew, smiled and laughed with me.

Man, they're a one fine bunch!


I looked up, to see Shanks, holding up a bag, "These are yours now," he smiled, throwing the bag at me.

"What's this?" I mused, opening the bag, before gasping, "Clothes?"

"Yeah. My clothes are way too big for you, so..."

I smiled stupidly, then tackled Shanks into a bear hug, "Thank you Shanks!"

"Hey, come on!" Yasopp sent me a smirk before pointing towards a bar, "Hello!" the green haired lady greeted with a warm smile.

"May we.." Shanks motioned over the whole crew, "Have some sake? Oh, and some juice for little Hikari over here," he chuckled, before ruffling my raven colored hair.

"Hey! Not the hair!" I whined, but my face had this stupid smile on.

"Sure, I'm Makino, by the way. You are?" the green haired lady crouched down to my level, "I'm.. Hikari," I mumbled shyly, as she gave me a small smile, "Oh, good, I'm sure Luffy will be glad to have someone around his age."


As if on cue, the doors opened to reveal a boy, probably around my age, "Makino!!" he yelled, smiling.

"Luffy!" she exclaimed happily, hugging the boy.

"So he's Luffy," I mused.

He turned his head to look at me, "Hello! I'm Luffy," I grinned at him, "I'm Hikari!"

And everything started there...

a few months later.. ╰╮

I frowned with Luffy as Shanks, and some of the crew teased us, "You become pirates?" I stared at them, "Someday we will be!" I declared.

"YEAH! AND I'LL FIND A CREW, AND THEN WE WILL OVERPOWER YOU!" Luffy yelled, obviously distraught of the fact that the pirate of whom he admired, was belittling him.

"Ha. Is that so?" Shanks smiled, "Ok, here, don't be mad, have your juices," he said, pushing the glasses towards us.

Luffy drank his quickly, while I stared at mine, obviously Shanks will say something that will hurt Luffy's feelings. My thoughts were interrupted by Luffy's voice, "That was a dirty trick!!" I frowned even more, but nonetheless, soon giggled at the look on Luffy's face.

Luffy frowned and walked towards Benn, and they started a conversation.

"See? Can't swim! Hey Hikari, you can't swim either right?"

I simply gave him a look, then nodded,"See!"

Turning away, I grinned as Makino gave us food, "Wow! Thanks Makino!"

She gave us a small smile, before walking away, "Say, Shanks," I spoke out, "What is it?" I cocked an eyebrow, "How long are you going to stay?"

"Well," he started, "It had almost been a year, since we used this town as a base. I plan on setting sail a couple more times, then we'll leave this town, and head north."

"A couple times?" Luffy asked, "I'll learn how to swim by then," he grinned.

"Alright. Goodluck then," I smiled.


The door shot open, revealing a group of men, everyone went silent, "Excuse me!"

"Hehe.. so this is what pirates look like, heh? This is the first time I've seen one. They look pretty dumb to me," the one in front spoke out, his face flashing a smirk.

I stared wide-eyed, "We're bandits. We're not here to cause any trouble. We just want 10 barrels of sake."

Makino walked closer to the bar, "I'm so sorry. But, we're out of sake."

"Oh, that's strange. Then what are they all drinking? Is it water?"

"It's sake, but that's all we have."

Shanks suddenly interrupted them, "I'm sorry. Looks like we finished all the sake here. Sorry about that. Here, if you don't mind, take the last bottle."

Everything happened too fast, next thing I knew, Shanks was on the floor, sake which were spilled was surrounding him, alongside with bits of broken glass. I gasped, rather loudly, "ONE BOTTLE IS NOT ENOUGH! Just who do you think I am? Don't take me lightly!" the bandit warned.

"Oh, no, the floor is all wet."

"See this?" my eyes trailed to what seemed like a wanted poster, oh, please mine is higher than yours..

"8 million?" I voiced out, making their heads turn towards me, "Yes, girl." he smirked, before turning back his attention towards Shanks.

"I'm one of the fugitives here. My head is worth 8 million. And I have killed 56 people before, you cocky bastard!" I looked at him in disgust.

Shanks didn't mind him. He just simply picked up the broken shards of glass on the floor.


"Well, it seems that you really enjoy cleaning. Now, you can enjoy it more," the bandit laughed, walking towards the door, "Later, you bunch of chickens!"

Once they were out of the bar, the whole crew started to laugh, "He fixed you up good, Captain!"


Shanks stared at him, "Look, I know what you feel, but it's just a bottle of sake, nothing to get worked up about."

"I don't want to see you again, coward," he started walking away, I looked at Shanks emotionlessly, "For once he's right, that was quite disgraceful," before walking away too.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't go, you two.." he grabbed both me and Luffy's hand.

Next thing I knew, Luffy's arm stretched, "WHAT THE-" I stared wide-eyed.

"What's happening?!"

"It's gone!" I heard Lucky Roo exclaim, "The Gomu Gomu fruit we got from the enemy isn't here!" he rushed in front of Luffy, a picture in hand, "Luffy did you eat this?"

He nodded, "It was dessert, right? Though it tasted quite horrible."

"Luffy! You just ate a devil's fruit! That means you will never be able to swim again!" I exclaimed, as Shanks' eyebrow rose.

"How did you know that?" he asked me.

"Because.. it's quite obvious isn't it? Eat a fruit, and lose your swimming ability."

He nodded, "But seriously Luffy, your swimming ability for rubber powers? Oh, well.. it's quite cool anyway."

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