Chapter 14: Filming day

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When I did this his eyes went wide but surprisingly he didn't turn around or look away even the slightest bit.

Y/n:"This wasn't part of our deal" I said raising my eyebrow

Kevin:"Sorry I'm just a little shocked, carry on" he said turning around

Y/n:"Thank you" I said laughing

I stripped my clothes off and began to dress in my outfit for the day, dark blue skinny jeans, A gray tank top and hoodie.

Kevin:"Oh also I forgot to mention the guys were thinking about going to a club after we're done recording, just before we leave here."

Y/n:"Oh sounds fun, I'll bring some stuff to change into before we go so we don't have to come back to the room, oh also you can turn back around now"

He turned around to face me and smiled.

Kevin:"You look great" he said

Y/n:"Thank you Kevin, aren't you gonna get dressed?" i questioned

Kevin:"Oh yeah I totally forgot let me do that real quick"

He dropped his towel right as I turned around to grab my phone, my eyes were wide and surprised. He didn't take long getting dressed and we managed to make it out of our room around 12:39 pm, just in time to see the other guys leaving their rooms. Gaege's room was right next to ours. Josh, narrator, Mully and Eddie we're coming out of their rooms also. I exchanged a hello to all of them as we walk down the stairs.

Y/n:"What kind of video were you guys planning on filming?" I questioned

Eddie:"We were going to film a truth or drink video since we have never done one of those in a while."

Narrator:"We're gonna film it at a different location because our hotel room isn't the right environment we're looking for when filming a video like this."

Y/n:"Ah makes sense, where are we gonna be headed?"

Josh:"We're going to an Airbnb not to far from here."

Y/n:"Oh okay, where are the girls gonna be while we film?"

Josh:"Their going to be filming their own separate video on their channel in the mean time."

Gaege:"We're gonna meet up with them after though"

Y/n:"It'll be good to see them again"

Gaege:"Yeah they seemed to really like you yesterday"

Y/n:"That's good, I really liked them too"

I was surprised they liked me since I didn't really talk to much when getting to know them. The rest of the walk to the van was pretty quiet except for some talk about the other night.

Y/n:"What do you think that thing was last night?"

Josh:"I don't know man, but it definitely didn't like us being there."

Eddie:"What thing last night?" Eddie asked seemingly confused about what we're talking about

Y/n:"You weren't there but last night not long after you and gabby left something attacked me in the men's ward and left deep marks on my back" i said

Eddie:"I knew I had a bad feeling about the place, I'm glad you weren't hurt worse" he said in a concerned tone

Y/n:"Eh I'll be alright, I've had worse" I said quickly regretting my decision

All the boys looked at me with confused expressions on the faces

Mully:"What do you mean by that?"

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