The sky was a blazing red, as the sun began to rise over the horizon. Light broke above what little was left of the brass—.. burned tower. As the crimson sky enveloped Ecruteak City, a small city in the Northern portion of Johto, Morty awoke from his bed. Rubbing his eyes, his face immediately met a Shuppet's. "Oh hello!.." he said as it wisped away. Looking out his window he saw Eusine, a very... questionable.. man, exiting the burned tower putting away his Rotom phone. "Hey Morty!!" Eusine said, spotting him looking out the window. He lifted the seal up, "Ditto? Hello!" Morty said quickly getting ready to go outside. Morty darted outside to meet his friend. "What were you doing in that old tower, anyways?" Morty asked, slowly putting his hand to his chin. "I found something... the ultimate thing.. something that could raise an extravaganza... something spectacular.." Eusine said, lifting up a small rectangular piece of paper. Morty tilted his head, as Eusine flipped the paper over. "MCDONALD'S COUPON?????" Morty shouted, showing more emotion in his voice than normal. They both called a corviknight taxi needing to quickly go to the establishment. As the taxi came on the road aboard, Eusine looked down at a..
Wild fire? A wild fire caused by growlithes. "HOLY SHART EVERYTHJNG IS ON FURE" Eusine yelled. "I wake up every morning i got burgers on my mind 😜😜😜😜😜" Morty sung. "Do you think perhaps if I could find a way to attract Suicune to this location the fire could be put out AND i could possibly capture it...?" Eusine asked. "And all these yummy burgers tasty trynna get me off my grind 🤪🤪🤪🤪😝😝😝" Morty sung once more.