Some Ice might be Nice

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Unable to keep himself from glancing over his shoulder every few seconds from his spot at the table towards the hallway looking for any sort of sign of his friend's presence only to be met with the same empty image every time turning his attention back towards his plate taking a small bite from his stack of pancakes savoring every single bite as he looks over towards the company around him trying to gauge their reactions right before he gets a chance to do so sudden movement from outside catches Hyde's eye causing him to lean out of his seat to take a closer look. A closer look outside of the sliding doors to find a sight that was simply too terrifying. Even for him. The proclaimed bad boy of the group.

She is smiling. Jackie is smiling. Smiling and he swore she was skipping over to her father's parked lincoln with an extra stride in her step. A sight that for some odd reason makes a cold chill run up and down his spine as his eyes remain on her. Remain on her as though he was under some kind of spell to do so. A spell that suddenly becomes broken when her gaze turns up upon him causing his eyes to go wide. Wide with nothing but shock while a small ounce of curiosity could be seen underneath them. Luckily for him then that he always wore sunglasses.

But it would not stop this cold chill from erupting up and down his body especially after what she does next. Sends him a grin while her right hand dangling her father's car keys comes up to wave over towards him before she disappears out of sight. Disappears causing him to lean back forward in his seat trying his hardest to make sense of what just happened unaware that the same reaction could be seen from the older woman sitting next to him. A woman that can't help her lips from curling upward while she tries her hardest to hide it taking small bites from her plate.

" Well isn't she a ray of sunshine and daisies. I didn't know she stayed over last night."

A simple phrase that makes Hyde turn his attention straight to Kitty with nothing but shock across his face. A phrase that he never thought he would ever hear describing the young woman that he can hear pulling out of the driveway in her father's lincoln. Never describing her. A cute girl to others but he knew the truth. She wasn't a cute girl. Well....okay even he had to admit she is hot but he knew the truth. The truth about what was underneath that cute exterior. Underneath all of that makeup and glitter. Evil. pure evil. He has seen it in her eyes before. Seen it whenever she has been angry. Seen it whenever she had been truly ticked off when something didn't go her way.

She is the devil. Plain and simple. A devil that has already stick her claws into one of her friends. Even tried to stick her claws into him. Those pick claws dosed with glitter that could blind anyone that dared to stare at them for too long. These damn claws that he could only hope didn't make their way towards another grasping the life out of him.

But this wasn't the true shock. No the real shock coming from the table wasn't coming from the shell shocked and confused Hyde despite how much his mind wanders. It wasn't coming from the somewhat pleased Kitty that just eats her breakfast with a faint smile across her face. No the real shock was coming from the head of the table. The head of the table where Red sits reading a newspaper that shields his face that is sporting a wide grin. A look itself that would send many running for the hills. Make even the toughest of men cower in fear from the mere sight of it. A look that goes unnoticed as he continues to read through the paper in total silence with only the sounds of utensil scrapping up against the bottom of plates and the occasional crumple of paper being turned breaking up the silence.

This peaceful yet awkward silence until the silence is broken from a simple noise causing every occupant at the table in perfect unison to turn their respective heads towards the hallway. A rather unique sound. The sound of a groan. A groan that reveals itself as one Eric making his way gingerly through the hallway as one hand covers his privates. A scene that makes every single occupant at the table looking at him with a mixture of emotions across their faces. For Hyde it was simple. He could be found looking at his best friend in total shock. Shock from seeing him like this as hundreds of possibilities run through his mind at what could have caused this.

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