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I SAT ON MY BED NERVOUSLY i heard a knock on my door. " come in !" the door slowly opened showing brady.

" hey, what did you wanna talk about" he say's sitting down on my bed.

" do you like me?" i say getting straight to the point. he stares at me for a second before saying " oh no wait did i make it seem like that? " kinda.  " i mean i used to but then i realized that i don't have a chance. you clearly like mason, i mean everyone can see it but you two"

I sit silently before he gets up and says " maybe you should talk to him " i stay silent while he opens the door. " brady. " he turns around " send him up please. " he nods and walks out the door.

not long after mason appeared with a smile on his face. " hey " he say's smiling at me.
" hey " i smiled back blushing. he seemed to noticed because he smirked as he sat next to me.

" sooo i wanted to tell you something. " i was very nervous for exactly no reason at all.
he looked at me with his head tilted with a confused expression on his face. i just got right to the chase.

" i like you. and i'm not gonna deny it because i know i like you and-" i didn't even get to finish before mason grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. we separated and i was so shocked only one thing came out of my mouth.

" woah. "

short chapter because i'm lazy ❤️
anyways when will this be meeee

𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙁𝙏𝙀𝙍, mason thamesWhere stories live. Discover now