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Before I even get started, I'm just adding this as a precaution, I don't know whether I'll truly get back into the spirit of rps, but this is an attempt at completely redoing my previous book/books, now onto the rules:

1. I will try my best to stay active but do understand I work 5 times a week so I can be infrequent with responses, please don't spam me, although if I haven't responded in 1 or 2 days it's ok to @ me

2. Please fill out the form, you can also send me one you've already made, just please make sure it's an actual oc, I've had people just send images before with maybe 2 sentences and it's just a headache to work with.

3. If I have not responded in more then a week, please understand that I've either grown out of interest for the rp or something irl has affected my ability to rp.

4. Sexual interaction/Intimacy will not be detailed, there's only a short list I'd do that with, and so will either be skipped entirely or Briefly mentioned.

5. Please be slightly detailed 4/5 lines is all I ask, sometimes there is need to be shorter and I understand that but try your best to add detail.

6. Third Person, I'm not interested in first person rps

7. Please feel free to Criticise me for whatever you believe is appropriate, I don't take this things to heart unless they get personal, I like to improve myself in writing and creativity the best I can.

8. No smut

9. Yaoi is a weird spot for me, I've only found to enjoy it with a few people and so probably won't do many characters that can go that route, this is just a personal preference of mine, sorry.

10. Enjoy yourself

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