Chapter 1- Injury

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    The sun had slowly risen till it started filtering through the window, and Murder jumped out of his bed wearily. He stumbled as he stood, and grabbed his phone. He shut off his alarm that was yet to go off and made his way to the door so he could go down to the kitchen. Murder slid out of his room and into the hallway, he walked down the hallway and down the stair till he reached the kitchen. Horror was already in the kitchen making food and Murder could tell that Killer was already doing a mission.
"Morning Dusty!" Horror greeted Murder as he entered the kitchen,
"My name is Murder, not Dusty idiot." Murder mumbled with a slight frustration as he went over to a cabinet and grabbed a protein bar. Horror watched as Murder grabbed the protein bar and left the kitchen, Murder didn't seem very happy and was starting to feel more annoyed with how Horror kept calling him "Dusty". He started eating on the way up to his room and when he finally  reached it he locked the door and started getting ready for his mission. After getting ready Murder picked up his dead brother's scarf that he hid in his closet, he held onto it for a moment before putting it back and in its safe spot. After a moment of silence Murder decided to find something to do. Murder made his way out of his room again, and towards Nightmare's library, since Murder didn't often have stuff he went on a lot of missions. He also would try to go on more but since he was stronger than most of the others Nightmare didn't want him overworking himself, the only other things Murder actually enjoyed doing was reading, watching TV, walking in nature, and sometimes writing. Murder slid the doors to Nightmares library and walked in, he shook his head to get out of his thoughts and actually find a book he'd enjoy reading. It didn't take him long to find one so he started reading it, he was reading a non-fiction book about different rare plants many monsters have never seen. After a while Killer popped his head in,
"Murder? Are you here?" Killer called out,
"Yeah, over here."
"Oh hey!"
"What do you need..?" Murder asked putting his bookmark in its spot and closing the book. Killer looked happy as normal, but when Murder looked at him he could tell Killer was nervous about something.
"Boss wanted me to make sure you were ready for the mission, apparently it's a big one."
"Does he need me now?" Murder asked leaving the book on the table for him to come back to,
"I'm not sure, I think so?" Killer shrugged,
"Alright." Murder teleported away leaving Killer in the library. He arrived at Nightmares office first assuming he'd be there, and he was.
"Ah, Murder your ready for your mission?" Nightmare guessed, looking up from whatever he was doing. Murder just processed to nod before waiting for further instructions,
"Well, I decided to change it up a bit, Horror will be joining you." To this Murders eye socket twitched a bit, of course.
"May I ask why?" Murder mumbled with less excitement,
"Horror has recently been very distracted on his missions, I want you to keep him focused. And don't worry, he knows to listen to you and whatnot." Murder sighed slightly happier that at least Horror was meant to listen. And he could have definitely been with somebody more annoying than Horror, maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
"If you grab Horror you can go now," Nightmare offered, which Murder teleported out in a heartbeat to grab Horror.

    After dragging Horror back and Nightmare making a portal for them to go through, the mission had finally started. Murder snuck around and had Horror follow, the only issue was how big Horror was compared to him. Murder is a really small skeleton while on the other hand Horror was a really large one, so Murder had a bit of a challenge with helping Horror sneak around going unseen. Murder sent Horror off to find anybody outside of the AU's Snowdin, while Murder handled going in. After entering the Snowdin Murder realized how this would be a harder mission, it was one of the AU's the Star Sans were in often. And currently Swap was here, which made Murder have to send a signal to Horror so he'd group back up. Murder began finding ways around Swap, and going for people in other areas. Before Horror had found him Murder massacred the entire Hotlands of the AU, and killed the Undyne.
"Thanks for killing Undyne.." Horror stammered after he found Murder, Murder just nodded in return and continued searching for monsters.
"Stop!" A call rang out as Swap jumped out in front of them ready for battle, seconds after Ink and Dream hopped through a portal and a fight broke out. Horror kept telling Murder they needed to send a signal to Nightmare to call them back, which Murder just shook his head and continued  fighting. Murder was hitting Dream with bones until Swap jumped in with a Gaster-blaster which forced Murder back, Murder dodged it for the most part besides it brushing against his arm. Dream was down and Horror was struggling with Ink while Murder fought with Horror against Ink and Swap. Murder decided to send a signal for help to Nightmare at this point, but knew it would take a bit to go through, meaning they had to hold up longer.

Murder's POV:

    I guess Horror was right, we should have sent the signal earlier. It was quite bad for us that we had waited, although I had gotten a bunch of good hits off Horror wasn't doing as well. By the looks of it his leg got hit, and it was bleeding so much you couldn't tell where he was hit specifically. On my side I had only been hit once and that was to the arm, which Swap had caused. But since Horror wasn't doing too well I had to cover him a bit and stop focusing just on myself, which I hated. Since Ink was distracted and Swap was too hurt to stop me, I grabbed Dream who was "hiding" so he wouldn't get pulled back into the battle. I put my sword shaped bone to him, and decided to use him as a hostage. That same second Ink hit me with paint that splattered off his paintbrush. It knocked me and gave me a couple cuts but that didn't stop me from continuing so I went back to helping Horror.


    After a bit longer of fighting a portal came from behind them and Nightmares black goop tentacles and pulled them back into the safety of the castle. Killer was already there waiting for them, he grabbed Horror and took him with him, which Murder assumed was to heal him. Meanwhile for Murder he had to report what had happened to Nightmare, who was already looking at him expectantly.
"Horror and I destroyed the Hotlands and a bit of the Waterfall, we didn't get to Snowdin because Swap was already there and we decided to work around him for a bit. Before we could finish Waterfall Swap stopped us and brought in Ink and Dream."  Nightmares' eye-lights seemed to flash with hatred for that name.
"How were their injuries?" He questioned clearly hoping they had done well,
"Dream was out of the fight and close to passing out, Swap was weakened a lot and almost out, and Ink did seem to have any bad wounds, only slight cuts." Murder started slurring his words and stuttering a bit, Nightmare noticed and dismissed him to heal himself. Murder stumbled up to his room and laid on his bed for a moment, before pulling himself up and heading to the bathroom to grab the first aid-kit.

Horror's POV:

    Killer finished wrapping up the last wound I had, which happened to be on my wrist. When he finished wrapping it he left to put the first aid-kit away and probably check on Dust who'd have finished his report to Nightmare. My face heated up when thinking about Murder, but I just shook my head and attempted to get him off my mind, which didn't work even a little bit. I remembered how he hated me calling him Dust or Dusty, would he hang out with me if I called him by his real name? Probably not, he enjoys being alone, which makes him seem shy. It's kind of cute..

Murder's POV:

    I entered the bathroom to search for the first aid-kit, but it wasn't there. I assumed that Killer hadn't finished with it so I headed to Horror's room. My skull banged against something as I stumbled backwards with a quiet yelp,
"Oh shoot! Sorry Murder!" Killer apologized before I could even comprehend what had happened. "Are you okay Murder?" He asked as he reached his hand out to help me since I was still clutching my skull.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I responded after a moment grabbing his hand so I could balance again, "Do you have the first aid-kit though?" Killer nodded and showed me it, and it turned out it was in his other hand which I couldn't see until he showed me it.
"I can help you bandage your wounds if you want," Killer offered. He looked nervous, he normally isn't this nervous around others. Has he always been this nervous around me? The answer is yes, or at least as long as I can remember.
"You don't have to, if you don't want to." I told him with a small shrug, with a nod Killer began to speak again.
"Then I'll help you!" Killer insisted and  brightened up a bit, I just nodded and led him back to my room so I could sit on my bed. I gave Killer my hurt arm and he inspected it for a second, he started wrapping it and I hissed in pain as he tightened it. He paused for a second to make sure I was okay and then finished wrapping it,
"Other than the minor cuts and this gash on your knee, is anything else hurt?" He asked as he began inspect my knee,
"Not that I know of." I shrugged as Killer grabbed disinfectant, cotton balls, and more bandages. He started working on my knee, he seemed slightly uncomfortable with the silence.
"How did your mission go?" I asked not really knowing if this is something that would break the silence. I looked down to see how Killer reacted but he didn't make eye contact and his face wasn't visible.
"It went fine, it was kind of boring though. Luckily I didn't get attacked by the Star Sans, I went to an already corrupt AU." He summed up his mission, I wondered why he did. Maybe he wasn't in the mood to talk, I looked down at him again since he was close to finishing and his face looked really red. Was he uncomfortable? Or... Did me...?

" Distant " ( Horror x Murder/Dust x Killer)Where stories live. Discover now