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Author pov

After the death of Kim twins parents they become cold and lonely they always came back to an empty home without any motherly hug.

So their best friend yoongi suggest them to adopt a hybrid like him they both agreed because they also want a cute hybrid so now here they are in front of the hybrid shop

They enter in the shop and then they saw many hybrid but most of them was cat, dog "hello sir welcome to milly hybrid store.how may I help you? " Milly said

Yg:ummm.... We want a hybrid.

M:ohh... We have many come I will show

As they were walking and looking here and there taehyung saw a cute bunny who was looking at them with curious eyes

As they were walking and looking here and there taehyung saw a cute bunny who was looking at them with curious eyes

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Taehyung thought the bunny was so cute he tap on v shoulder and said

T:hyung look at that bunny the bunny was so cute

Taehyung said pointing at the bunny

V:wow the bunny was really cute let's take him

Taehyung nodded

T:milly we want that bunny over there

Milly look at the direction and she nodded she went there and took the bunny in her arms

M:this is jungkook his 14 years old and he knows how to do chores because he loves to do chores he loves to crossdress too and when he change to his human form he will not have clothes on.and he is a femboy means he can give birth too he will have female parts

Taehyung and v were shock when they heard the last one

T:what he is a femboy I thought that they were only in fan fiction

Taehyung and v nodded v took jungkook from Milly and they started to fill the form tae fill the adoption form and then they drove off to there mansion when they arrive jungkook was sleeping they didn't bother to wake him up taehyung took him in his arms and went inside v following from behind everyone bowed at them v and tae went to their bedroom and the first thing they do is to fresh up tae in their bathroom and v in the guests room when they came back all dress in comfortable clothes they saw jungkook yawn and they cooed at the cuteness

T:awww bunny you are so cute

V:yeah, but for now we don't have any clothes for your size but we can find small size.

V then find a small size purple hoodie which have stars and galaxy printed on it and shorts.

Taehyung then took jungkook to a room and said that change into this clothes jungkook nodded and taehyung went out of the room to find v waiting at the door

After some time

The door open and there was standing


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