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Author pov

And there was standing jungkook looking like the cutest creature fiddling with the hem of his sleeves and v and take swore they almost get a heart attack by his cuteness his cute doe eyes looking down his cute chubby cheeks which were tinted with red hue because of their intense stare and not to forgot about his cute pinkish lips which was red due to his biting and his cute white

V:you are jungkook

Jungkook nodded cutely tae couldn't control himself he step in front of jungkook and put his long finger under his chin lifting his face up.

T:bun you need to talk with your pretty mouth.

V:yeah! And look into our eyes when you spoke ok darling.

They said sweetly jungkook nodded

V:baby we thought we said you to talk from your pretty mouth.

V said a little sternly


Jungkook said with his angelic voice and they swore they were already obsessed with his voice

T:baby you must be hungry come on we will tell the maids to cook something for you

After jungkook hear rthe word food his shyness flew out of the window and squeal and

Jk:yes, yes let's go eat food

He said while jumping on his small feet

Important note
(In my story adopting hybrid is normal so there are very hybrid things like hybrid school, hybrid shop, hybrid hospital, hybrid Dilevery hospital)

After the lunch jungkook become comfortable with them and v and tae decided that jungkook can start school soon

(In my fiction Hybrid can go to school till they had been adopted and after adoption the responsibility is on their own)

They decided to go for shopping for jungkook they need to find the smallest size for jungkook they found v blue sweater with white strips with loose jeans

They decided to go for shopping for jungkook they need to find the smallest size for jungkook they found v blue sweater with white strips with loose jeans

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When they arrived at the shop jungkook almost get lost while admiring the clothes v and tae said that he can buy anything he want.

And when they came home they all went to freshup in seperate rooms duh.

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Jungkook outfit

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Jungkook outfit

When jungkook coming to the living room and he didn't found v and tae so he asked the maids and they said that they are in their study room.

Jungkook skipped to the study room and he slowly opened the and his breathe hitched  they were looking so hot while working on their laptop and they still didn't dry their hair correctly jungkook signed.

Jk:taetae hyungie, bear hyungie


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