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Author pov

Jk:taetae hyungie, bear hyung

Tae and v lift their heads and saw jungkook looking so cute in his cute dress

V&t:yes baby

Jungkook just came and sat on the couch

Jk:you two idiots you will catch cold if you don't dry your hair properly

He said sternly

Both smile sheepishly

Jungkook walked out of the room leaving tae and v confused but after sometime jungkook came with a towel

Jk:let me dry your head taetae hyung you come

Tae got near to jungkook and jungkook started to dry his hair tae felt all his tension walk out of the gate after sometime tae hair were dry and jungkook called v and started tobdry his hair too.

After sometime

A maid knock at the door and tell them that dinner was ready they said they were coming they all went down for dinner.

Jungkook was munching on his food and v and tae was just admiring his cuteness some of the food left on the corner of jungkook lips v got a great idea and he smirk thinking about it he looked at tae and signaled him the plan (a/n:don't ask me how).

V got closer to jungkook and softly licked his corner of the lips jungkook stopped eating and just look so shock and tae also wanted to tease him and look like God grant his wish because a little bit of food on the other side of his lips too and he also lick there and jungkook was whole tomato by now


Sorry for short update I didn't have much time to write a big chapter

Hey guys! I was thinking about jungkook having period what do you all thing ,please tell me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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