18. condition

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Vibha : i want both of you to forget everything happened in past and forgive each other

Vibha : ( looking at akshu) and also i want you to came back to us

Sid and akshu was just looking at each other

Vibha : akshu you will stay with us na ??

Akshu : wohhhh mumma....... ( Cutted by Sid )

Sid : offcourse mumma . We have forgave each other , and she is also gonna stay with us

Hearing him vibha became so much happy while abhi and fainat became surprised

Akshu : areeee........... ( Cutted by Sid )

Sid : mom , you take rest . We will came in a minute ( holding akshu s hand )

Before akshu could say something Sid drag her outside the hospital. He take her to the background of the hospital .

After Sid and akshu left ranveer sat beside vibha and started to talk with her randomly

Faisu wanted to talk to abhi alone so he indicate abhi to sent vaishneet outside . Abhi nobbed and said vaishneet to go home and look after children as they will be back to home . Vaishneet nobbed and left the room . As soon as vaishneet left faisu quickly went near him .

Faisu : ( wispering ) Bhai , what is happening??

Abhi : i also don't know faisu .

Faisu : Bhai , really jannat and buddy forgave each other ??

Abhi : I don't know but  I hope they forgave each other ....... Atleast for mom

Faisu : hmmm.....

At sidjaan side

As they reach , akshu immediately jerk her hands from his .

Akshu : ( yelling ) what the hell , why you said mumma that I have forgive you and also that I am coming back . Listen i will never forgive you , not till my last breath . So , forget about that.

Sid : complete..... If you had completed then i will say something....

Akshu turned her face in anger

Sid : okay , so listen . I had not ask your forgiveness , so remove that thought from your mind that i will ask forgiveness.

Akshu : then why you said mom that we have forgive each other ??

Sid : because doctor had warned us not to make her sad and if you had denied her that you will not came then she will definitely became sad and surely feel more ill Which I don't want and I am also sure you also don't want right . ??

Akshu : but I can't stay with you in a same roof .

Sid : ( joining his hands ) please stay with us , i can do anything you will say but please don't make mumma sad please 🥺🥺🥺

Akshu quickly hold his hand and also her eyes filled with tears but she can't stay with her ...........

Akshu: please don't do this , i will stay with mom - dad but I have a condition

Sid : all your condition are accepted 😀😀

Akshu : ( sternly) but hear it once , may be you think to change your decision

Sid : what is your condition?? 🤨🤨

Akshu : my condition is ........ I will came to NIGAM MANSION but ........
we can't stay in same roof

Sid : say it clearly, i am not understanding

Akshu : okay so hear , i will stay in the mansion on those days only when you were not there . Means only one among us can stay in that masion

Sid became shocked hearing her .

Sid : what the hell you are speaking. How can that even possible? We have said that we have forgive each other and if we will not stay together then ......... You are understanding right what i am saying ??

Akshu : i got to know your point . Firstly it's you who had said mom that we have forgive each other and secoundly it's your problem not mine . So think still you want to continue with the lie or want to say the truth

Sid : how could you do this to me ?

Akshu : like same way you did to me 10 years ago . Remember 😠😠

Sid : atleast give me a chance to explain that thing

Akshu : i don't want any explanation from a bloody .........

Sid : you can't be my akshu, you are jannat zubair 😢😢😢

Akshu : whatever 😑😑

Sid : akshu don't do and say any such things which result you in guilt in future . 😥😥

Akshu : i am going to mom . Think properly then come .

Saying this she left while Sid said to himself

Sid : akshu , please don't do this because i know one day the truth will come out and you definitely would be guilty for this . 😞😞😞

Sid thought something , he wipes his tears and turned to go but stop when he saw avi standing there looking at him tearfully . Avi went near him .

Avi : sidd.......

Sid : when did you came ??

Avi : i have heard everything

Sid : avi why can't she just adjust like me . I have also try to forget everything and  ready for fresh beginning for mom then Why can't she ??

Avi : because not everyone is like you Sid .

Sid : why avi everytime god do this to me ? Why ? Everytime why only i have to suffer ? Why only i have to adjust ? Why ?

Avi : sidd , be strong . God everytime test you and everytime you pass it alone but this time i am with you . I promise we will together pass this test .

Sid : hmm ( smile weakly )

Sid hug avi

Sid : i love you .

Avi : i love you too

Sid : thanks for supporting me everytime . I know you want to know the truth , and i promise you i will tell you everything but this is not the right time .

Avi : i understand sid . Tell me the truth when you are comfortable

Avi ( breaking hug ): but what will you do now ??

What will Sid do now ??

Why is akshu doing this to Sid ??

Is this her revenge ??

Target : 18 votes

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