Part 10

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I looked around the forest, then back at Jack. "Can we stay out here longer?" I quietly asked. Jack sighed and walked over to me, ruffling my hair. "Of course, you've been extra good." I smiled at that statement. Everything was going according to plan.

I walked over to a tree and sat down, leaning against it, staring up at the sky before I closed my eyes. "Why didn't you kill me?" I asked Jack. He hummed and sat beside me. "Not sure. You remind me of someone I used to know." I opened my eyes and look at Jack sitting beside me. He looked happy, calm. "Who?" I asked, intrigued about his past.

"Why do you want to know? Don't you hate me?" Jack asked. I shook my head and sighed, looking back at the stars. "I thought if I'm going to be stuck with you then I might as well know more about you."

"You wanna know?" Jack asked. I nodded my head. "Alright." Jack sighed. I gave him all my attention as he continued on. 

"I wasn't always like this." He started. "I was different, colourful, happy. I used to be a colourful, tan-skinned clown who would wear a brilliant rainbow attire with my shaggy red hair. I was made to bring sad children joy, to make them feel like they had someone to rely on. I was the colourful Laughing Jack that would bring a smile to any and every child. I could even reflect the personality of my owners" Jack took a deep breath before continuing. 

"I was like that for seventeen years, before I met a child. Isaac. Isaac Grossman. He turned everything around. It was 1848 Christmas when I met him. His mother gave me to him on Christmas night. At first, it was the best. We did everything together, never once we were apart."

"We spent years like that. I'd help him threw all the beating his dad gave him, all the nightmares, everything. I was his best friend. He relied on me and I relied on him. We were there for each other. Each other's ride or die."

"1853 is when everything turned to shit. Isaac was sent off to boarding school. He promised me, he promised me that he'd come back, that he'd never forget me. So I waited and waited. For thirteen years I waited for him to come back. In those thirteen years, I stayed in my box, the colour slowly draining from me. Until I became monochrome, no more colour was left."

"Then one day, Isaac's father got too drunk and accidentally killed his mother. His father was hanged. Because Isaac was their only heir, he got the house. He came back and I was happy. I thought he'd imminently let me out and we could play like old times... But he never did."

"One night he brought a girl home. A drugged girl. He started kissing her and telling her that he was going to fuck her until she begged for forgiveness. He tore her clothes off as she begged him to stop. He smiled down at her, ripping his clothes off before he turned her around and fucked her. I sat in my box and watched. She screamed and screamed but that only turned him on more. He put his hand around her neck, accidentally killing her."

"He cut her open and turned he body into a horror show. He did this to multiple women. He'd drug them, fuck them and then turn them into something horrifying. Until one night while he was experimenting on some girl, he knocked the shelf I was on, setting me free. I was angry, so angry that I did what he did to all thoughts women. Except with my own style."

Jack turned to look at me, smiling wickedly. "I turned all his organs into balloon animals and hung him up like a pinata." His past sent chills down my spine.

"I wouldn't do that to you though," Jack said, his once horrifying smile turning into a soft one. "But you did," I mumbled. Jack raised his brow and pushed me to continue. "You did what Isaac did. He raped girls as you did to me. A-and you turned people into... " I trailed off, remembering what Levi looked like.

"I'm nothing like him," Jack growled. I quickly nodded my head to not upset him further. "What about you? What was your past like?" Jack asked. 

"Just had an abusive dad. Nothing special." I didn't want to get into detail. I didn't need Jack to know. 

I truly felt bad for Jack, he shouldn't have gone through that. But that doesn't matter, he still destroyed everything I loved. Now, all I have to do is have him wrapped around my finger and my plan will succeed. 

"Jack?" Jack hummed and turned to me, staring into my eyes. "Do you love me?" I cautiously asked. Jack pondered for a second before answering. "I suppose. I don't want to kill you like the rest of them," He muttered. "Why?" Jack asked. "Nothing," I muttered.

"We should head back," Jack announced, standing up and dusting himself off. I stood up too and tugged on Jack's shirt. "Thank you." Jack turned to face me and hummed. "For what?" 

"For being so gullible." Before Jack could utter another word, the knife that I hid was being plunged into his stomach. The bandages around his waist turned a dark grey colour as I sank the knife deeper. Jack coughed up the grey colour and looked down at me with sad eyes.

I quickly ripped the knife out and sharply shoved it back in, making Jack cough up more. I ripped the knife out once more and sprinted. I needed to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible. 

When I was sure Jack wasn't following me, I stopped, catching my breath. It worked. It actually worked. I finally escaped from that evil clown. 

I continued walking and after what seemed like hours, I heard something. Like what a prey hears before a predator attacks them. I looked around and sighed. It's just paranoia, nothing else. I continued walking until I heard a crunching sound.

Before I could do anything, something was lunging at me, slamming me into the ground. The wind was knocked out of my lungs as it stayed onto of me. I looked up and almost scream. It was a dog, not any regular dog... But a dog with a crazed smile, wider than the Cheshire cat.

"Smile dog, off!" A voice rang out. The dog jumped off me as I backed away, hitting my back on a tree. The figure emerged from the shadows. "N-Nyras?" I gasped, still trying to catch my breath.

Smile. (Laughing jack x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now