Chapter 3

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Lura's POV

Why did it have to be this place I try to breathe but cannot I need to get out of here. I unbuckle and open the car door. I plop down on the ground. I can hear my mother's voice and it whispers to me. "Lura breathes my darling mommy is right here it's okay just breathe" I feel my mother grab my chin and she smiled she is very blurry, but I can still see her "Mom, I miss you please come back please I want you back." I then see my mother disappear "No mom please come back PLEASE!" My eyes go back to darkness, I cannot see any more, I start to pour down tears. I feel Dr. Takahashi Hug me "No let go I have to find her please mom come back" Dr. Takahashi hugs me very tight I hug his back squeezing him hard and pouring down tears on his shirt. In 20 minutes, I finally stop crying and calm down "Okay let's go into the house I have calmed down, but please can we leave if I can't breathe" I feel him rub my hand telling me that he will listen" him grab my hand and we walk inside the house I once lived in I breathe slowly here we go back to this terrible place. I hear him open the door and we walk inside I can still feel the heat and smell the smoke that burned this place I breathe slowly trying not to freak out.

"Lura it's alright just breathe and everything will be okay" Dr. Takahashi says "im fine" I tell him but even though I say it im not fine the past haunts me. "Dr. Takahashi can we please leave I don't want to be here anymore" He grabs my hand "It's alright Lura and please call me Takahashi" wait what but he is a doctor. I nod I hope this is still polite "but Dr. Takahashi you are a doctor" he sighs "Yes Lura I am but it's alright to call me by my first name" I sigh but nod my head he is not like other doctors he is genuinely nice and straightforward. "Okay I will can we please go now though please I really don't want to be here anymore" he puts his hand on my shoulder "yes we can leave I want you to meet someone" he grabs my hand and I hear the door open thank you Takahashi. We walk outside and I hear him open the car door and I get inside I feel for the seat belt but Takahashi gets it and buckles me.

He is so sweet I hope my eyesight comes back so I can see him I hear him shut the door and walks to his door I hear it open and he gets inside. I hear the engine start and the car starts to move. Goodbye Mom I love You and miss you he pulls out of the drive way. I wonder who I am going to meet "were almost there Lura" I nod my head when I hear Takahashi's voice. I close my eyes and think of my mother and if I could see her again I remember the time when she saw me grab candy from the store but she took it from me and put it back but when I gave her those puppy dog eyes she grabs the candy and sighed.

"I can never be strict with you can I darling" She laughs, and I giggle "Thank you mommy I love you" I tell her, and she hugs me "Love you to baby." I open my eyes but still there is darkness. I guess being mixed with sadness and happiness can make me feel depressed. I sigh the car stop "were here Lora and its time you meet my little sister" I hear screaming and cover my ears "OMG is this Lura!" I feel her hug me and I hug her back, but I am confused. "Sorry Lura, I told her about you and how your sight is gone, and she wanted to meet you" I nod and say it's fine "you're so pretty Lura-chan." I laugh "Thank you...?" she laughs "oh, sorry I forgot to tell you my name my name is Yuna-chan" what a wonderful sister she is so kind.

I smile wondering what it would be like to have a sister a kind a caring sister My Mother and me were always alone and now im alone in a hospital even though it is calming. Everyday I wake up in that hospital I go outside and feel the cool breeze and the birds chirping it feels like I could fly away. "Lura...?" My mother was always there for me I just she was still here for me but she is gone now. "Lura!" huh what? I get out of my trance and look up "Umm sorry I forgot about being here I was thinking about my m-things." I do not want to tell them I was thinking about my mother or Takahashi would take me back to my broken home and I truly do not want to go back to that place.

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