A Murder of Woes

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Seeing as Wednesday doesn't wanna lie to Damian anymore, she told him the full truth about the vision she had

"So let me get this straight." Damian begins. "After we kissed, which was amazing, of course, you saw me standing beside a werewolf with pink hair with Tyler in front of us. That's most likely Enid. Tyler then transforms into the Hyde. Then you saw me being in the Avatar State while looking at you and suddenly being shot in the back, and then you're holding my body in your arms as I'm dying." he recaps.

"Yeah. That's everything." Wednesday confirms honestly.

"What do we do now?" Damian asks her.

"We somehow need to lure Tyler to the woods close to Nevermore so that I can interrogate him and make him confess his crimes." Wednesday answers.

"Well, you could write him a fake note saying that you want to meet up with him in the woods and have Thing give it to him. Then you could confront him while I hide nearby in case he tries to get away." Damian says, explaining his plan.

"Hmm, who knew you could be so smart?" Wednesday asks rhetorically.

Damian chuckles, knowing that this is Wednesday's way of giving a compliment

"Thanks." he responds, smiling at her.

Wednesday sits down at Damian's desk, writing the note before handing it to Thing. It takes it before fingertipping away

"Let's go; we have a monster to catch." Damian says to Wednesday seriously.

They leave his dorm and go to the woods, where Tyler will be

*Sometime later in the woods, it is now the dead of night*

Wednesday approaches Tyler

"Thing gave me your note." he says to her. "Have you finally come to realize I'm the better option than that Damian guy?" he asks her, mocking Damian. "So, uh, is this a date?" he asks curiously.

"It's a surprise." Wednesday answers, making Tyler let out a wry chuckle.

He then starts to walk closer to her. Right as he is about to touch her, she walks away from him, resumes talking and turns to look at him as Tyler turns around to look at her as well

"When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind." Wednesday admits to him. "But when Damian kissed me, he opened my eyes and suddenly it all made sense." she informs him, making Tyler let out a confused scoff. "I'm surprised Damian wasn't able to find out about you before me, seeing as he has a seismic sense." she states.

"Ironic now, huh?" Tyler asks her rhetorically.

"Ironic would've been framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away." Wednesday counters.

It suddenly starts to dawn on Tyler what Wednesday is insinuating

"Wait... you don't think--" he tries to ask her.

"I don't think. I know." Wednesday interjects, walking closer to him. "Kinbott probably discovered your secret during 1 of your sessions. So she unlocked you." she explains to her. "Why'd you kill her?" she interrogates him. "I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters." she states.

"Wednesday seriously, this is nuts." Tyler says to her.

"On Outreach Day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house." Wednesday says to him. "Did Kinbott send you to spy on me?" she interrogates him. "I don't know how you found out that we know about your cave in the woods, but once you knew, you warned Kinbott." she tells him. "Eugene probably saw her torching it. Then she sent you to clean up her mess." she adds. "I have to hand it to you, Tyler. Wounding yourself that night at the Gates mansion along with what Damian did to you, that was a masterstroke of misdirection." she admits, slightly impressed.

Light and Darkness (Wednesday x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now