rageeven2's question: "How did your guys' relationship start? Like, was it a person-A ask person-B out or was it like a sudden kiss and you guys knew or what?"
That's a good question, thank you. We actually kind of knew that there was something there from the very beginning. When Levi first joined the Survey Corps, we had a sort of hate-love relationship. As we both rose higher in the ranks, he started following me around a lot more, wanting to be near me most of the time. Out on the expedition in which we first encountered the Female Titan, Levi insisted on following me almost everywhere (apart from when we were in formation) and asked to help me out whenever I had to do anything. He was actually quite useful, but I could tell that this was more than I Captain-Commander relationship.
Now, as for how we actually came to be in a relationship... it was kind of inevitable. We were alone one day, Levi was looking particularly hot... I felt I had waited far too long to tell him, so I started off talking casually then built up to explain my feelings. He caught on to what I was trying to say and told me that he felt the same way... we kissed and it just felt... right. Next thing we knew, we were in a relationship.
So... yes. That's the backstory of us... hope you found that entertaining, because I'm still not sure why I am telling these things to the world...
Ask Erwin
Short StoryBeing the commander of the Survey Corps, I don't have much time to spare for any social interactions with my soldiers (or anyone, for that matter). That is why I have made this: for you to ask me any burning questions you have in the back of your mi...