Question 21

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eruri_otaku's question: "Okay. So I'm pretty sure we all know that you an levi have been banging for a while now...he even told me. What was the first time you guys had sex like?"

Okay, now that is definitely too personal. However, I'm already down the rabbit hole...

Our first time was, in all honesty, incredible. It was actually my... my first first time *Face goes red* I wasn't completely sure of what I was doing, but once I got the hang of it, it was pretty damn amazing for both of us. Levi certainly enjoyed it, he was completely out of breath when we finished. We spent the remainder of the evening spooning in my bed, before falling asleep in each other's arms.

I am not going into anymore detail, you really don't need to know about mine and Levi's love life in that sense... *ahem*

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