Spiritual 46

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Aarav stepping back with tears in his eyes, he's waving his hands seeing them for the last time, all are crying except Arnav, he's in delima. 

When Aarav turned his back towards them and going when he heard the most important word in his life as…..


Aarav stopped and turned towards them and saw crying Arnav, he's holding the gate to open.

Arnav: Bhai don't go, please come back to me, only for your Chote. I need you.

Hearing this all are crying bitterly, the gate is not opening and Arnav is struggling to open the gate.

Aarav: [crying] Chote….. don't open the gate, it's danger if you come out.

Arnav: till how many years I have to take responsibility of a family, you're elder brother to me right? Then take your responsibility.

Aarav: just 10 minutes difference doesn't matter Chote, you're perfect in every way. 

Arnav: you know in every family brother's are pillar to their family. I also dreamed once like that, but reality is something else that time. But now I want fulfill that dream. You can't go like this.

Aarav: try to understand Chote, I can't come back. Please don't make it hard for me.

Arnav: I want to hug you one last time, please Bhai, I am asking first time something from you, please don't deny.

The pain in heart is doubling in all. Aarav want to hug his brother tightly, but he can't. Aarav is sensing the original vampire. He's coming towards them, he hurriedly came to the gate and cupped Arnav's face and removed the tears and smilingly said….

Aarav: tears not suits to The Great Arnav Singh Raizada. Chote listen carefully….. he's coming I have to go, but If in future I ever come back then I will be back as human, I will be back as your brother, as a Aarav Singh Raizada not like a Vampire, maybe this is our last meeting, but whenever you feel to meet me then just close your eyes and call me I will be in front of you. Take care of Fairy Princess this is warning from my side.


Saying this he disappeared in the darkness, Arnav sat where he's standing when Khushi holds him and confronted him. Arnav is crying for the first time like this. Somehow they brought Arnav inside the Mansion. All sitting in hall. Arnav is crying, his tears not stopping at all. Anjali and Khushi sitting beside him on both side.

Arnav: I am feeling immense pain in my heart Di. I never understood his pain Di, he's suffering from childhood and I thought I am suffering here. I failed as brother Khushi. I never tried to to know that why he's like that? When I get to know it's too late, he's gone, gone for forever. You know I think yours Devi Mayya punished me, that's why i didn't got his hug Khushi.

Arnav is totally out of control, he don't know what to do. Chirag thought something and brought one glass water to drink adding sleeping tablets. Khushi also crying continuously seeing Arnav like that, she never saw him in this situation. After drinking water Arnav slept, but in sleep also he's blabbering as Bhai.


Aarav came back to his world, Dark world. His heart is crying with pain. He's very desperate. Aarav saw up and roared top of his voice. The voice is so loud that all birds fly out from tree.

Aarav: Why?? Why you making us to suffer god? Why?? For his Sign you're punishing us. For the first time my brother called me as Bhai, I'm not even hugged him. The person who have to get punishment he's already with you. Why you not made him suffer?? Why??

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