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chapter five [ d'artagnan ]

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chapter five
[ d'artagnan ]

"the case of phineas gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time. phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. a large iron rod was driven completely through his head," mr. clarke explained to the class, while showing pictures on a projector.

per usual, will, mike, lucas and dustin were the only ones who really paid attention but dustin, he hadn't shown up to school yet and this made the three boys a little worried.

juliet sat in her seat, doodling in her notebook, bored. her eyes studied mike as she drew him.
the wheeler boy was completely oblivious to the fact the girl kept staring at him or maybe he wasn't and was pretending he was.

as juliet continued drawing, the door of the classroom flew open and scared the shit out of the girl, making her mess up the drawing.

"damn it," she sighed, crumbling the paper up.

dustin came running into the classroom, his books in his hands, "i am so sorry mr. clarke. really i'm so sorry. please continue with the class. don't mind me," he apologized as he walked to his seat.

the three boys and juliet all shared a look, wondering why dustin was so late.

as mr. clarke went back to teaching, dustin turned to his three friends, whispering, "we have to meet. all of us. at lunch, AV club."

"why?" mike asked him.

"i have something you won't believe," he smiled then turned around to whisper to juliet and max but he was caught by mr. clarke.


"yes my lord?" dustin said, turning back around in his seat, facing him.

"care to join the class now?" mr. clarke asked him.

"please, yes."

"the case of phineas gage."

"phineas gage."

"page 104."

"104, 104."


"focusing, focusing," once mr. clarke went back to teaching and his attention was away from dustin, he turned around to juliet and max, whispering, "AV club, lunch,"

they both nodded with thumbs up.


the party plus juliet and max all met at the AV room just like dustin told them to do. they were all waiting to see what dustin was so excited to show them.

the said boy grabbed the trap that was apart of his ghostbusters costume and he opened it up, setting it down in the middle of the table.

the kids all leaned in to see what it was.

juliet, m.wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now