Pasar el rato (Hangout)

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Tw: Abuse, homophobic slurs and a bit of fluff

Finneys Pov: 

**In the morning**

I slowly wake up and noticed the time it was 6:30 am 

I had to be home by 8 am so I decided to leave a bit early.

But one problem is I couldn't move.. but I didn't know why until a few seconds later.

I noticed that Robin had his arm protectively around my waist.

I try so hard not to turn red or wake him up.

While I try to get up he literally pulls me closer and says

"Stay.. por favor" Robin says

(Stay.. please)

I was confused is he up or is he sleep talking?..

"Uh Robin I really have to go Im sorry" I say while trying to get up

"No unos minutos mas" He says whiling pulling me close

(no a few more minutes)

I can feel his hair on my neck.

I started to get flustered and thought maybe I could stay a bit longer.

"O-ok sure.. Ill stay for a bit" I say while falling asleep

**time skip sorry I have a lot of time skips I just loose thought of what to write sometimes**

I woke up and realized it was passed 8. 

Shoot Im done...

"Sorry robin." I whispered quietly before leaving from his bedroom window.

I start running as fast as I can to my house it wasn't to far away from Robins but I was still afraid that my dad was gonna hit my sister. 

I made it to my house and when I opened the door..

My dad was standing in front of the door with a belt

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" He slapped the belt to the door.

I slowly close the door while talking to him

"I-I was in a friends house.. he needed help with math then I accidentally fell asleep in his house" I tried to make up a lie but part of it is actually true

"HE?! WHAT ARE YOU A FAG?" He lifts the belt and swings it at me

Making me fall to the ground in pain

"NO DAD IM NOT A FAG HES JUST A FRIEND!!" I say while sobbing my eyes out

"Good. I don't want a faggot in my house" He walks away leaving me on the ground

Gwen comes running down the stairs and helping me up

"Omg Finney are you okay?!' She whispered yelled

"Yea just a spanking.." I sigh

We both were about to go down stairs until we heard the phone rang.

"Ill go get it I think dads sleeping" Gwen says while going to the phone

"Hello? Oh hi bruce yes Finney is here ill give you the phone to him" Gwen says while giving the phone to me 

"Hey bruce what's up? Oh you want to hang out with robin and vance? Yea sure that doesn't sound like the problem where should we meet? At the park okay I'll be there." I hang up

"Im sorry bruce invited me to hang out with our little friend group can you please look after dad?  I know this is the second time in a row but this time I'll leave a note to him telling him where im at and maybe he wont be angry." I try to convince Gwen 

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