Salvándote (Saving You)

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Tw: Angst,Self harm,Suicide attempt and Abuse

Finney's Pov:

"Adios Robin" I say as I wave goodbye

(Bye Robin)

I smile knowing that Im slowly getting into the Spanish language.

I went inside my house thinking everything would be fine.

Sadly.. It was the complete opposite..

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT GOING OUT WITH MY PERMISSION!!" My dad yelled and slapping the belt against the corner

"But.. dad I left a note did you not see it?" I ask calmly

**TW: abuse starts here**

"DO NOT TALK BACK TO ME YOUNG MAN" He slaps me with the belt as hard as he can making my arms bleed.

Gwen comes running down the stairs screaming on the top of her lungs "DAD STOP!!"

"Stay out of this young lady! or you will punished like how THIS BOY is." He warned Gwen

I mouthed to her "Go to bed" She's too young to be watching this

She did as I asked she went to her room while I keep getting beat up for another minute.

"There and do not put an ice pack young man I want you to think about what you did." My dad warns me

**abuse ends here**

I just nod holding back my tears while heading up to my bed room

I went to my room and close my door.

**suicide thoughts/attempt and self harm starts here**

Why me and Gwen. What did we deserve to be treated this way?..

I know my dads upset about our mother but he doesn't have to take it out on us.

Matter a fact does he even love us? All he does is hit us for dumb stuff and drink alcohol all day.

I just wish Gwen and I can have a better life. We don't deserve it

Do I deserve to even live? Clearly my dad wont care but I know gwenny will. Im scared to leave her but I just cant take it anymore.

This stress and anxiety is killing me. I don't even think I was meant to be born if my life is just like this.

Im sorry gwenny but im so tired. I just want to end all this pain. Just end.. life.

My thoughts were coming to me. It was like my thoughts were controlling me.

I quickly run from my room to the kitchen quietly grabbing a knife.

I ran back to my room and locked the door so no one can come in.

I started to cut my arm which made things worse because I was already bleeding from my dad spanking me.

I continued to hurt myself until I started to feel dizzy.

This may be the end of my life! I really hope it is.

Then.. I passed out.

Robins POV:

Decidí ir a la casa de Finney porque estaba aburrido y solo.
(I decided to go to Finney's house because I was bored and lonely.)

Empecé a tirar piedras por la ventana pero no respondía. así que me subí a su ventana para verlo tirado en el suelo sangrando.
(I started throwing rocks to his window but he wasn't answering. So I climbed up to his window to see him lying on the ground bleeding)

"SANTO MIERDA FINN!!" I screamed while breaking his window.

I break his window to get in and admittedly pick him up slowly.

"ALGUIEN LLAME AL 911!!" I say while opening his bed room door

I see a little girl opening her bed room door in shock. Crying her eyes out.

I'm assuming it's his sister.

"911!! 911!! Call!" I tell her

She ran to the telephone and called 911

Not to long later the ambulance arrived.

They take Finn and I asked "Can.. I.. come por favor?"

The nurse says yes and I tell the little girl.

"I take care of him." I tell her so she doesn't worry

She nods and runs back into her house still bawling her eyes out.

I feel bad for her but I know he's gonna be okay. I know he can do it.

**time skip to when they arrive at the hospital**

They take Finn to a room and they ask to see me.

"Do you know what happened to this young boy?" A nurse asked

"Lo siento no entiendo.." I say quietly
(I'm sorry I don't understand)

"Oh! You speak Spanish okay I will get Dr Gomez for you and she will speak with you." The nurse said

I nod and sit down at the waiting room.

Dr Gomez came and started to speak to me

"Sabes lo que le pasó a tu amiga?" She asks me
(Do you know what happened to your friend)

"No, no, solo vine a su casa a pasar el rato y lo vi tirado en el suelo sangrando con un cuchillo en la mano" I reply to her
(no I don't I just came to his house to hang out and I saw him lying on the floor bleeding with a knife in his hand)

"Ah, veo bien, lo revisaremos y puedes dormir en su habitación en el sofá si quieres. le haremos saber si está bien" She tells me
(oh, I see well will check it out and you can sleep in his room on the couch if you want. we will let you know if he's ok)

I just nod and wait patiently.

**guess what! Another time skip cuz I said so**

Dr Gomes came from Finn's room and started to talk to me.

"entonces tu amiga está bien, solo perdió mucha sangre, por lo que estará en coma durante 3 días. Si quieres quedarte aquí, eres más que bienvenido a" She says while slightly smiling
(So your friend is fine, he just lost a lot of blood, so he will be in a coma for 3 days. If you want to stay here, you are more than welcome to)

"Sí, me quedaré. Gracias por avisarme." I say while heading to Finns room

I close the hospital room door and head to Finn's bed.

"Estoy feliz de que estés bien Finn, pero ¿por qué te harías esto? eres tan perfecto y eres la razón por la que amo América. por favor cuando te despiertes dime que te pasa" I say while sliding my fingers throw his prefect curly hair.
(I'm glad you're okay, Finn, but why would you do this to yourself? your so perfect and your the reason i love america. please when you wake up tell me what's wrong)

I walk to the couch and sat down.

Eventually I fell asleep.

To be continued...


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