Despertando (Waking Up)

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TW: Mentions of Suicide

No one's POV:

**a few days before Finney woke up. Which was Sunday Morning**

Bruce came in the hospital sprinting to Finns room with Vance.

"We came as soon as we heard. Omg is he okay?!" Bruce started to panic

Vance gently rubbed his hand against Bruce's back to try to calm him down.

"El médico me dijo que está bien, estar en coma hasta el martes por la noche o el miércoles por la mañana." Robin explains
(the doctor told me he's ok, he will be in a coma until tuesday night or wednesday morning.)

"He said that the doctor told him he's okay. He will be in a coma for a few days." Vance tells Bruce

"Oh okay good. I just wonder why he did all this. I really hope he will be okay when he wakes up. I hope he will talk to us about his feelings for now on.." Bruce says while slowly calming down

"Do you know what even happened Robin?" Bruce asks

"Bruce pregunta si sabes lo que le pasó a Finney." Vance asks him
(Bruce asks if you know what happened to Finney.)

"No, no, solo vine a su casa a pasar el rato y lo veo tirado en el suelo sangrando con un cuchillo en la mano." Robin tells him
(No I don't I just came to his house to hang out and I see him lying on the floor bleeding with a knife in his hand.)

"Oh.. wow uhm he said that he just saw finney lying on the floor bleeding with a knife on his hand. So basically he was trying to commit suicide." Vance explains to Bruce

"WHAT?! Oh my goodness I'm so happy he's okay! I sadly have to go to my base ball game but robin please give Finn this." Bruce hands a get well letter to him

"Ok. Bye" Robin says while waving a goodbye.

**time skip to when Gwen and Terrance visit Finn on Sunday afternoon**

"Is he gonna be okay?!" Gwen asks the doctor

"Yes he is going to be just fine. He is just in a coma for a few days. We will let you know when he's up." The doctor says

Gwen nods at the doctor and looks at Robin

"Who are you?" Gwen asks

"Oh this boy doesn't speak much English but this is Finneys friend Robin. He will be keeping Finney company until then." The doctor explains

"Ohhh your that Robin boy Finneys been talking about. It's nice to finally meet you. Thank you for keeping my brother company your an amazing friend" She says while taking her hand out for him to shake.

Robin shakes her hand and just smiles.

"Oh! and before we go please give him this *she hands him his space rocket pen* It's something that comforts him when he has anxiety" Gwen explains

"Ok no problemo" Robin says while taking the pen and putting it where all the notes and gifts are.

"Nice to meet you. Que tengas un lindo día" Robin says slightly smiling

(Have a nice day)

Gwen nods and leaves the room with Terrance.

**now to where he wakes up which is now Wednesday morning**

Finneys POV:

I woke up in the hospital extremely confused because I don't remember what happened.

I see Robin peacefully asleep in the couch.

I slowly stand up to get a better look at him (totally not creepy!!) until he woke up.

"Woah woah finn siéntate en la cama voy a ir a buscar a la doctora" Robin says while softly pushing me back to the hospital bed.
(Woah woah finn sit down on the bed I'm going to go get the doctor)

I look at him in a confused way while he go gets the doctor.

What in the world happened?..

The doctors came and started to check if I was breathing well, giving me medicine and a whole lot of other stuff.

"Uh excuse me Doc what's going on why am I here?" I ask

"Well uhm it seems like you had a suicide attempt but it wasn't so bad so we you weren't sent to a mental hospital. You were in a coma for 3 days from the loss of blood, but you will be home by tomorrow. Your friend here has been keeping your company and seems like you got some gifts. Please let me know if you need anything. Get some good rest" She says while closing the door.

I started to look at the gifts I got and I just smiled.

I'm happy I'm cared for and I'm also happy someone's been keeping me company.

Ugh what did I deserve to have a good friend like Robin, Bruce and Vance..

"Hey Robin uh thank you for staying with me I really appreciate it" I look at him with the biggest smile I've ever had.

"No problemo Finn, that's what friend.. is for." He smiled at me back

"Seems like your getting into the English language. That's great I'm happy for you!" I tell him

"Oh.. uh yea. I'm still learning... but uh.. I learn for you . I really like.. to hang.. with you and I want to uhm.. understand you." Robin says short of quietly.

"Omg Robin you said two sentences! I'm so proud of you and that's very sweet of you. I will definitely tutor you more often and I also want to learn Spanish so I can understand you." I say while letting my arms out for a hug.

"Yes that will be nice." He says while hugging me

"Your such an amazing friend Robin. I'm happy to came to America. I love doing all these things with you and maybe we can do more in the future." I say while letting go of the hug

Robin just nods and sits next to me.

"Ojalá pudiera decirte que me gustas más que solo como amigo." Robin sighed at the end.
(I wish I could tell you that I like you more than just as a friend.)

Hm. I wonder what he said..?

To be continued...


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