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November 13th, 2013:

harrystyles: "My Sister graduated today

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harrystyles: "My Sister graduated today. She's all clever and that."

It was the first picture Claire saw when she opened her Instagram app that day. Gemma had graduated. She faintly remembered that she had mentioned it at the house party, but that had been months ago, so Claire hadn't really thought much about it. It had happened that day, apparently.

Despite having her number, and despite Gemma's invitation to text her whenever to grab lunch, since they were both in London most of the time, Claire had never done that, for she was afraid she would've disturbed Gemma. She thought that Gemma was only nice to her because she was a friend of her brother's, but that in the end she didn't really give a fuck about Claire. Still, graduation was a big thing, and congratulations were in order. So, Claire got out her phone, found Gemma's number (she had WhatsApp, like a normal human being) and typed a text to her.

C : "Congratulations on your graduation! Just saw the pic! 🎓"

Putting her phone away, Claire walked inside of the living room, where all of her friends and roommates were sitting. The telly wasn't on, like it normally would've been. David had decided to hold an intervention.

Intervention. It was his new favorite word, he had heard it from one of the old ladies that attended the gym he worked at. She kept going on about how amazing they were to speak about difficult subjects, to clear the air or whatever else. So, that morning, David had rounded all of his friends at breakfast - getting to his job late, to do so - and had said that he would've held an intervention that night, with them, because he needed to discuss something with them.

The silence hung very heavy in the air, as Claire sat down on the carpet, in front of the couch, because there was no more place on top of it.

"Great." - David said, once she had settled, legs crossed and phone resting face down on the carpet next to her. - "You guys are probably wondering why I've reunited you all here tonight." - he paused after that, smiling a bit. - "Always wanted to say those words out loud." - he cleared his throat. - "But yeah. Wanted to talk to you all about a thing. And don't laugh!" - he raised a finger as he said those words. - "I don't want adult life to separate us. I feel like we are all getting so wrapped up in adult life, with living alone and all that, and I don't want it to get in the way of our friendship. Living together is fun, but it can also get us to hate each other in the long run and I don't want that. So yeah... that's what I wanted to say."

There was a moment of silence after David was done speaking, that stretched on for a while, so long so that he feared his friends would've laughed in his face, but then Jacopo cleared his throat and leaned his elbows on his knees so that he wouldn't look at any of them as he spoke.

"Yeah. I... I was feeling the same thing. I thought our life was gonna be like in FRIENDS, but so far adult life has sucked." - he confessed. - "I guess maybe it's a bit harder on me and David, because Fabian and Claire have their universities to attend, so they have this schedule that is kinda strict, but me and David now have jobs and stuff and it gets kinda... I don't wanna say lonely but overwhelming, for sure. I'm afraid too."

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