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It had been a little while of them laying on the beds, soaking in the silence and even almost falling asleep before Alchemy spoke up.

❝Ah..Doctor? Random questionnaire, but when is your birthday?❞

❝Oh! My birthday? Where did such come from?❞ The man tilted his head ever so slightly towards the lady, mask slightly tilted up, only showing his mouth.

❝Just curiosity, that's all. Mine is February 14th, such an odd day.❞ She held a neutral expression, squinting ever so slightly. The Doctor laughed.

❝Why, that's Valentine's Day! How fascinating! I believe mine is...❞ He trailed off, humming in thought.


❝I cannot seem to remember.❞ 

❝What? You can't remember your own birthday?❞

❝I suppose not, no.❞ 

❝That's...saddening. Why not-? Why don't we give you one!❞ She loudly exclaimed in a sudden fit of exhilaration.

❝Bah, it would be quite useless, really. I don't really ever think about celebrating.Sighed the male as he rose to his feet, digging in the nightstand. He pulled out a lighter. 

❝Oh, come on, Doctor! It'd be fun! Everyone deserves a birthday. Even people who celebrate!❞ Alchemy watched him in peculiarity, wondering where he was about to go to. The Doctor just mumbled to himself, the words inaudible and incoherent.

❝Not everyone deserves one, my dear Alchemy. Keep that in mind, someone like you would already know that, ❞ He spoke with an odd tone, winking. Though, such gesture would obviously go unseen with his mask blocking the way.

 ❝I will be back. Do be careful, don't push yourself. Relax.❞ Before long, he was gone. He had left the room.


Alchemy was unsettled after about 5 minutes. She pulled the crumpled paper, opening it back up, being taunted by the words.

❛ I'm   g on  na    ge  t    yo u 

:)  ❜

I'm gonna get you...

Alchemy shivered, swallowing the spit that had foamed in her mouth. The words were enough to make her want to scream. What does he want with her? He was terrible, just terrible! So why did he want her back? To torture her? Again? 

It was so difficult to relax. Before she knew it, she was pacing around the room, itching and fiddling. Why was there no one in this town? She could've just called the police if she wasn't  stupid enough to get lost...! Alchemy came to an abrupt stop, suddenly huffing as she grabbed the spare room key.



The Doctor was out on the balcony of a disturbed, messy room. It had been vandalized, everything overturned like someone had been looking for something. Though, this had not been his doing. He simply found the door off the hinges and found the peaceful balcony untouched. A perfect spot for a quick smoke. 

He felt...strange. He was worried for Alchemy, yes, but he felt-

Vexed, irritated. 


How can such a creature be as cruel as they were to Alchemy? To cause all this panic and pain to an innocent lady who simply wanted to be loved and cared for? 
He so desperately wanted to give that to Alchemy. To live in peace, to get out of this empty town. Yet, would she appreciate this being said aloud? It all may sound okay in his head, but out loud she may think he is a creep. 
But yet again...she has interesting behavior around him-

He slightly jumped, frowning and perking up upon hearing something being stepped on. The Doctor turned, eyebrows raising. 




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