Chapter - 16 over my dead body

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After my conversation with Neymar I decided to call it a day and head to the hotel,
I made my way to where Kyle was,
I had to tell him I'm leaving,
I spotted him coach and Raphinha in the medical area.
He was examining Raphinha's knee.

"Hey Bella I was just about to call you,"
"He is having some discomfort when he's walking."
Kyle said showing me Raphinha's knees which was looking a little swollen.

"It doesn't look like anything serious but im going to have to take you to the hospital to get an X-ray,"
"just to make sure."
I said to Raphinha who just nodded shyly.

"I'll organize transport for him to the hospital,"
Coach said about to walk away, but I told him that I'll take him myself,
I gave Raphinha my shoulder helping him walk as we made our way trough the vip lobby towards where my car was parked.
As we walked trough the vip lobby I spotted my mom, Jon, Emily and Alex having drinks together like a big happy family.
Emily waved at me signaling me to come over but I ignored them and continued to make my way out the door towards my car.
I helped Raphinha into the car walking over to the driver side when I herd someone shouting my name,
I looked over seeing Alex walking towards me.

"Alex I really can't talk right now I have to get to the hospital."
I said putting my hand to open the door,
But he placed his hand on the handle stopping me.

"why you are avoiding your parents and I?"
He asked looking at me.

"That's my family business Alex."
I said trying to remove his hand but he wasn't budging.

"Well soon to be my family business too,"
"Because we are going to get married."
"Haven't your mom told you?"
He said smiling.

"Over my dead body."
I said grabbing his hand which was on the door handle bending back his fingers,
making him flinch in pain stepping back looking at me in disbelief.

"You are lucky you have company,"
he whispered looking at me pissed as hell.
As I entered the car driving off.

"Is everything ok?"
Raphinha asked looking at me awkwardly.

"Yes,  everything is fine"
I said smiling.

"That guy you where speaking to,"
"isn't that Alex the owner of the hotel where staying at?"
Raphinha asked looking over at me as I drove.

I said.

"Are you dating him?"
He asked.

"No I'm not dating him."
I said glancing over.

"We'll I guess you dodged a bullet then,"
"Because he stays at the same floor as me and I literally sees him with new girl every night."
"I even saw the girl who was waving at you earlier leaving his room a few times in the mornings."
Raphinha said laughing awkwardly.

"Alex is a player."
I said taking a deep breath, trying not to flip out because Raphinha just told me my sister and Alex are sleeping together.

"So what do you think about Neymar?"
He asked after a few minutes of silence, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Did Neymar tell you to ask me that?"
I asked raising my eyebrows.

he said shaking his head quickly making me laugh.

"A few nights ago Neymar and that guy Alex nearly got into a fight over you in the lobby,"
"Thiago and I had to step in and break it up."
He said looking at me.

"When exactly was that?"
I asked looking over at him.

"It was the night after you came back from Spain."
"Neymar, Thiago and I was chilling out in the lobby and Alex came by sitting next to Neymar."
"They both exchange words a bit."
"I didn't hear exactly what they were saying,"
"But all I heard Neymar asking Alex why did he do that to Bella."
"Then things got heated they got in each other's face."
"Thiago and I stepped in before it got bad."

"Does anyone else know about their altercation."
I asked Raphinha.
because if coach finds out that Neymar and the owner of the hotel almost got into a fight because of me I could literally loose my contract.

"No one else knows,"
Raphinha said smiling.

"One more question"
I asked glancing over at him.

"Does Neymar know about Alex and the girl you saw earlier waving at me, sleeping together?"
I asked looking at Raphinha who was hesitant to answer the question.

He said looking down.

I let out a sigh of frustration,
I'm pissed at Alex for provoking Neymar,
And I'm also pissed at Neymar for letting Alex get into his head like that.
I understand Neymar feels the need to protect me,
But I don't need it,
I don't need Neymar getting into any type of trouble because off me.
I blame myself for all of this.

After getting to the hospital and taking the X-ray on Raphinha's knee, which was good results he wasn't injured.
We headed back to the hotel,
I help Raphinha to his room, he thanked me for everything,
I told him it was my job.
I quickly made my way out off that floor because Alex is staying in the same floor as Raphinha's
and I know Alex is pissed at what I did to his finger earlier.

When I dated Alex he was the aggressive one,
I was always the one to apologize just to clam him down.
Today was the first time I have retaliate against him,
And I know he is not going to let that go so easily,
He is going to find a way to make me pay.
I just wish I have broken his fingers instead,
for sleeping with my sister.

I made my way to my floor passing Neymar's door remembering our conversation we had earlier off me admitting the truth about his injury,
I'm sure his is probably not going to talk to me anytime soon, even though it is not exactly my fault.

I closed my door plummeting into the couch letting out a sigh taking off my shoe.
I looking at my phone thinking about calling Emily and telling her I know about her and Alex sleeping together.
but I decided not to because I seriously don't give a fuck about them anymore.
I don't even feel hurt about it.
I was taken out off my thoughts by a knocking on my door,
I hesitated if to answer or not but I decided to after all I'm working,
it could be one of the players.

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