Chapter 19 - true colors

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I waited a few minutes in to corridor and their was no sign off her,
So I decided to head down to see if she was in the bar or the restaurant, sometimes she has drinks with her friends.
I made my way to the elevator when suddenly I saw the elevator door opening,
And Neymar and my mom getting out.
And by the look on Neymar's face I knew they exchanged words,
Neymar gave me a quick smile as he passed walking to his room.
I turned my attention to Rosita whom didn't have a pleasant look on her face.

"I have been trying to talk to you for over a entire week,"
"And you keep ignoring my calls."
Why were you in Spain?
She asked walking towards me.

"Mom please lower your tone, let's talk in my room."
I said walking towards my room as she followed me.

I entered my room closing the door walking towards the sofa taking a seat.

"Now answer my question,"
"why did you go back to Spain knowing how dangerous it could be."
She asked folding her arms looking at me.

"I missed Lino, I just wanted to see him,"
"And he was upset of the fact that you and Emily stop answering his calls."
I said looking down.

"Lino is a criminal Bella just like your father,"
"He is a bad influence on our family,"
"I think it's best if we cut ties with him."
She said taking a seat next to me.
At this point my blood pressure was literally so high.
I was literally seconds away from telling her I know the truth that she is not my real mother.
But I decided to play it cool and listen to what she has to say.

"What are you really here for mom?"
I asked taking a deep breath.

"Jon and I had dinner with Alex family the other night and we have come to a decision that you two are to get married by the beginning of next year."
She said looking at me smiling.

"Haven't you herd mom?"
"Alex and I are not together,"
"we have broken up about three weeks ago."
I said looking at her in disbelief that Emily nor Alex told her.

"Well what ever issue you two are having fix it,"
"Apologize to him and make up."
"Because the date is set."
She said tipping my last straw.

"Listen very carefully of what I'm about to say mom,"
"I am not going to marry Alex!"
"I fucking hate the best bone in his body!"
I said raising my voice.

"It's because off Neymar isn't it?"
She asked getting up.

"You have feelings for him don't you?"
"I saw the way you looked at him earlier."

"I broke up with Alex before I met Neymar."
I said getting up off the sofa standing in front off her.

"I'm not asking you Bella."
"I'm telling you that you are going to marry Alex,"
"Because I'm your mother and I says so,"
"you have no other choice."
She said raising her voice at me.

"You are not my mother,"
"My mother died giving birth to me."
I said looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Who told you that?"
She asked looking at me in disbelief.

"My father."
I said as a tear form in my eye.

"You have no right to order me around Rosita,"
"I'm not your daughter,"
"I'm the daughter of the leader of the most powerful mafia in Spain."
"And I am not going to take any orders from you anymore."
I said opening the door for her to leave.

"You disrespectful little bitch,"
"I may not be your mother but I raised you."
"You are to thank me for the life I have given you here in Qatar."
She shouted as she made her way down the corridor.
Neymar herd the commotion opening his door looking out.
Making her stop in her tracks looking at him.

"She is poison, just like her father."
"Take my advice and stay as far away from her."
She said to Neymar pointing to me,
Before walking to the elevator.

"Actually I'm happy you are not my daughter,"
You could never compare to Emily,"
"she would never disrespect me the way you did."
She said looking at me as she waited for the elevator.

"How about you take a trip to Alex's room,"
"You will probably see your precious little Emily in his bed."
I shouted to her as Neymar walked over to me covering my mouth with his hand pushing me into my room closing the door behind him.

"Why did you do that?"
"I wasn't finished with her."
I said to him.

"You were shouting,"
"Did you forgot we are in a Hotel."
He said trying to hold back his laugh.

"Oh yea"
"I got carried away."
I said face palming myself.

"I guess you're talk didn't go as you planned"
He said looking at me raising his eyebrows.

"Actually it went well,"
"She got the point that I'm not going to marry Alex in this lifetime,"
"And she admitted that she hates me and Lino,"
"She showed her true colors tonight."
I said looking at Neymar.

"You are really angry right now aren't you."
He asked looking at me.

"Yes I am."
I said folding my arms.

"Well a great doctor once told me that it is not good to be angry, it raises your blood pressure."
He said making me smile rolling my eyes at him.

"You look so cute when you're angry."
"You are like a little chihuahua."
He said taking a step towards me.

"Be careful don't come to close I'm poison,"
I said repeating what Rosita just told him.

"I don't care"
He said placing his hands both side off my face leaning closer towards me.
I could feel his hot breath brush against my skin.

"I'm willing to risk it all for you,"
"Will you do the same for me Bella?"
He asked whispering into my ear brushing his lips against my skin, making my heart race out off control,
he brushed his lips against my jaw back to my lips blearily touching it.

"What's your answer?"
He asked in a deep husky tone.

Without hesitation, I pressed my lips on to his,
His body instantly tense up as he took a deep breath.
grabbing onto my waist pulling me towards him deepening the kiss.

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