Chapter 18 - my daughter.

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The car ride back to the hotel was a little awkward at first because I couldn't look at him in the eyes without remembering earlier,
Every time I look up at him my heart literally starts racing.
I realize he was scanning my face probably trying to
figure out how I felt about earlier.
And to be honest I don't even know how I'm feeling about it,
I am feeling many things.
He makes me feel happy and scared at the same time,
I feel scared because I know he is only here for a short period of time and I'm scared that I may develop feelings for him and then we have to part ways.
he's has to go back to Paris and Im moving to Spain.

"A penny for your thoughts."
I said to him catching him off guard.

"You confused me so much,"
"I literally can't read your emotions or tell what you are thinking sometimes."
"You are a very mysterious woman."
He said smiling faintly.

"Yeh I confused myself sometimes."
I said making him burst out laughing.

"But if you must know,"
"I had a great time tonight, I enjoy your annoying company a lot."
I said holding his hand smiling.

"Can I ask you something."
He said looking at my hand.

"Why do you have a tattoo off a gun?"
He asked looking at my tattoo on my right hand.

I paused awhile thinking of what to tell him,
Because I took this tattoo when I mastered using a gun at the age off 16.
It's a family thing we do in the mafia.

"It was just a stupid tattoo Lino and I took together when we were younger."
I said looking at the tattoo.

"Why a gun though."
He asked laughing.

"I don't know Lino thought it was cool."
I said smiling.

"Do you have anymore tattoos."
He asked.

"Yes I have one more tattoo but only special people gets to see it."
I said smirking making him gasp.

We arrived at the hotel using the back entrance once again, He got out off the car opening the door for me

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We arrived at the hotel using the back entrance once again,
He got out off the car opening the door for me.

My smile instantly  turned into a frown when I noticed Rosita's car.

"What's wrong"
Neymar asked looking at me confused.

"My mothers here."
I said letting out a sigh off frustration.

"What are you going to do?"
He asked looking at me.

"I think I'm going to stay at my house tonight."
I said looking trough my purse to see if my car keys was there.

"Why are you avoiding your mother Bella,"
"Just tell here you don't want to marry Alex,"
"Or are you thinking about it."
He said looking at me.

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