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Act one

The beach




The ride back to the beach wasn't as awkward as before. Akari decided to ask questions and Kuzuryū answered without any problem. She learned he was an international attorney that decided to return to Japan after a few bad experiences working for an American company. The young woman had been outside of Japan a few times. She did agree that some places were mesmerising, but even someone like her, with a deep hatred for her family's tradition, would still return to them one day.

At one point in their conversation, he asked about her family and the tattoo, but after seeing the way Akari tensed at the mention of both the ink and her family, he dropped the question, letting him think that his speculations were true.

When they got to the beach, Akari's frown deepened at the powerful lights. She parked the car and turned off the engine before getting out. She made a few steps towards the man, but he shook his head and started walking on his own, his limp not as bad as it previously was. Akari ignored it and followed him inside the lobby.

Hatter was already waiting for them, a wide smile on his face. He started explaining how Ann figured out a way to handle the water and that now they had unlimited running water. The young woman nodded at his every word even though she wasn't really attentive. Her eyes met Ann on the other side of the lobby and she gave her a small smile, which the woman returned. When Hatter finished his rant, he patted Akira's shoulder before walking away. Akira started walking towards Ann and once she reached her, the two women continued their walk towards the front desk of the resort.

"What room are you in?" Asked Ann as she pushed the small door, entering the room with all the room keys.

"I haven't chosen yet," replied Akira, making the woman nod. The young woman remained silent for a few seconds, her thought causing her frown to deepen. "Would you mind sharing?" She asked, raising her to look at Ann due to height difference, "A suit, I mean." Before Ann could answer, Akira pointed to a few room numbers of the key wall. "I guess Hatter will want the royal suite," she muttered, realising how the keys to that suite were already missing, before her finger pointed to another set of keys, "But I know the executive suites have two bedrooms and a common living room."

"Sure," said Ann with a shrug.

Akira nodded and let out a breath of relief. She took the two set of keys and gave one to Ann before the two women started walking towards the elevator. The walk to their suite was silent but not awkward. The two women entered their suite, Ann opening the door and Akira locking it behind them once they were both in (her paranoia getting the best of her, even if she knew none of the three other people in the resort would try something). She walked to one of the rooms and smile at it. Each room had a bathroom and the luxury living room was the only place common place in the suite. Akira entered her room and discarded her bag and jacket that she took from the car before returning in the living room.

"I'll take a shower and get some sleep," she said, leaning on the doorframe and pointing behind her with her thumb, "wake me up if anything happens, ok?"

Ann nodded, making Akira enter her room and close the door. She took her back and turned it upside down, letting everything she had fall on the bed. She took the few clothes that she gathered throughout the few days she pent in the city with Aguni and Hatter and threw them on the sofa in the room before returning to the other things on her bed. She put the two books, music player and headphones on the nightstand, along with her glasses that were still on her head. The food went to the small refrigerator, where she was delighted to find a few drinks and some snacks. She place her gun and army knife in the small safe box inside the wardrobe.

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