Chapter 5

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Michelle's P.O.V

I find joy in killing people. I love watching the life drain out of thier eyes as they slowly take thier last breaths. I love thier silent pleas, and how thier eyes tell me every thing before they leave this world.

So what is wrong with me now? Why is this happening? Why do I feel so much pain watching Camillia struggle like that in those ropes? Why is all this happening now?

I watched as the days rolled by, and each time I could see how she was no longer scared of me, like she knew I wasn't going to kill her. I would feed her, and then let her sleep for a while then let her use the toilet once per day. I knew the police have already started looking for her, because it has been over a week since she disappeared.

I took a deep breath in and walked into the room where I held her captive. When I got in, she looked at me like she was expecting something. 


"Nothing. I want to use the toilet."

"I already took you out for the day."

"Yes and I want to pee again. It's not my fault my bladder doesn't listen to me." She said and I rolled my eyes. I walked over to her chair and untied the ropes on her legs first, then the ones on her arm.

But, before I could comprehend what she had planned, Camillia pushed me so hard that I fell onto the ground and she ran. I was dazed at first, because I hadn't expected that. Finally, I got back to my senses and ran after her; she was heading right for the exit. I heard her open the garage of the warehouse, and that's when I knew that she was out. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, and out the gate I went. Now I could see her. She was limping, possibly from being tied on the chair for so long.

In no time, I got to her and I grabbed her arm.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Let go of me! You're sick if you think I'd want to stay with you in that warehouse." Camillia then bit my hand, and punched me square in the nose; that hurt like a bitch.

Before she could run any further though, I grabbed her leg and she fell onto the gravel.

"No!" She kicked her legs but it was of no use, I had a hard grip on her leg. I dragged her back to the warehouse, and all the way there she kept kicking and punching the air. Once I got inside with her, I made sure I locked the gate this time. I grabbed her by the neck and pinned her on the wall.

"Help! Somebody please help!"

"Shut the fuck up! What the hell was that?" I put more pressure on her neck.

"Michelle please. Y-You're hurting me." She choked out as she scratched my hand to let go of her.

"You know very well that we're in the middle of nowhere. And no matter how hard you scream no one is going to hear you." She whimpered under my hold. I then let go of her and she inhaled so much air that was probably too much for her body.

"If you ever pull a stunt like that I will kill you. And I'm not joking this time." I said, before I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

"No put me down! Let go of me!" She begged as she kept kicking and punching me. I took her back to the room where I held her hostage and put her down, this time not bothering to tie her down. I stared at her, and she stared back at me with so much hatred. It was then I noticed the red scratch marks on her arm, and I inwardly winced.

I walked out of the room Camillia was in and locked it, quickly walking out of the warehouse and locking that too. I got into my car, and drove off wherever the road took me.

I've hurt her. I've done the one thing that I promised myself I wouldn't do and I've hurt her.

I drove through the small town, and I noticed a woman walking down the road screaming on the phone. I drove up to her and rolled down the window.

"Hey?" I said, and that's when she noticed me. "Can I give you a ride?"

"No no its fine. I'm just heading to my house a few blocks away."

"No I insist." I said and she looked around before she smiled and got in my car.


"I'm Michelle by the way. You are?"

"I'm Layla."

"Saw you screaming at your phone. Are you okay?" I said and she glanced at me.

"My husband. He wants a divorce, so he took my kids away." She said and I nodded.

"How many kids do you have?" I asked her.

"Two. Logan is the oldest, and Lorena is just a few years younger than her brother." She smiled. She sounded so fond of her family. If only they knew that they were never going to see her again. Such a shame.

The whole car ride, Layla was talking about her kids and it was annoying me and her high pitched voice wasn't helping. We finally got to her house, and I gladly accepted her offer when she invited me in. She was alone, I noted. Makes my job even easier.

Layla walked to the kitchen, and I followed her making sure that she didn't hear me coming. She stood by the stove, and when she heard me come in she turned around, about to say something when I stabbed her straight in the eye, then her heart.

The red, thick blood oozed from her eye, and I watched as she slowly fell to the ground. I then dragged her body to the bathroom where I placed her in the bathtub, her body leaving a trail of blood in it's wake. I made sure to clean my knife and the floor where I had dragged her on, making sure no trace of me was left.

I then walked to the bathroom, and saw that she was still alive and was struggling to get out of the bathtub; I must've stabbed her in the wrong place.

I slowly walked over to her, and smiled down at her laying form.

"You'll learn not to let strangers in your house sweetie. Too bad you won't be alive to do that." I said and penetrated her heart with the knife. I made sure that she was truly dead, then I walked out of her house to my car, driving back to Camillia.

I felt whole again.

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