Chapter 13

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Michelle's P.O.V

The day I got back from dropping Camillia off, I layed awake in my bed. My heart felt empty and my mind couldn't comprehend what really happened.

I know it was the best decision to let her go, because clearly she wanted to go back home. And I had no reason to keep her here anymore.

This house now felt empty without her, and each second passing without her just felt like a nightmare. I wanted to hold her, and hide her from the world. But I couldn't do that to her.

The days rolled by, and with each day came a new struggle; holding myself back from killing. It has been a while since I've done so, and now that my distraction was gone I had nothing else better to do. I had thought my killing spree was over, but not now when Camillia is gone.

Work was just as stressful as it comes, and I tried to keep myself busy with it so I would not think about Camillia or my other obsession. 

But it was hard, and so one night I found myself driving through the same town where I had murdered Layla. This time I decided not to take too much time and just get over with it. I parked my car far away, and made sure I had my knife.

I noticed a woman, with a short fringe and some dark clothes; she was beautiful. She was standing outside a store, white smoke coming out from her lips as she was smoking.

I slowly stalked her, and she didn't see me until I put my hand on her lips to shut her up from behind. She strugged a bit, but I had a strong hold on her. I dragged her in an alley, and I smiled as I slit her throat open and the thick red blood oozed out; it was satisfying. I layed her down on the floor, and the woman drowned in her own blood. I watched as her eyes rolled back, and the life in her eyes started draining out. I smiled, then sanitized her hands because she had scratched me and my DNA was probably in her fingertips.

This still feels just as good as it used to.


I got home later that night and took a long cold shower, then pulled on some pajama pants and a tank top. I walked to the room where I had kept Camillia and noticed how empty it was now.

There were no paintbrushes or knitting sticks scattered all over the floor, no unfinished paintings or drawings and no Camillia. It was just so empty.

I walked over to her bed and sat there, missing how she'd usually crawl over to me and ask me if I was okay. I then realized something poking me from my side, and I stood up so I could take out whatever was poking me from the sheets.

I realized it was one of Camillia's journals; how did I miss this one? I opened it and some of the stuff were just poems and stuff she wrote about how she felt. Most of them where mainly of how she missed James and her family. Then, when I was reaching the end she started talking about me, and how she suprisingly loved my smile and my eyes, some of them going into detail like the color of my eyes.

But, out of most of them one caught my eye, especially the last line of them peom she wrote which read:

If walls could talk,
In them I would hide my thoughts
And my wondering soul
Would've never fallen for my kidnapper.

I read those words over and over again, making sure I understood what she wrote. Once it finally clicked,  I wasted no time in taking my keys and jacket and ran out of the house. It took me a while, but I reached her work place before she knocked off from work.

I waited for a few minutes, until she showed up and I felt my heart start racing.

This is it.

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