The Interview

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(Carol) right cookies are out "oooo" hay there not for you I said slapping Darly's hand away "ouch can't I have one please?" oh go on then just one he smiled taking one off of the plate and stuffing it in his mouth I smiled shaking my head I walked into the living room and placed them on to the table and then there was a knock at the door I ran to the door and opening it seeing a sweet looking guy there Hay you must be negan I smiled nice to meet you

(Negan) ohhh yes nice to meet you and yes I'm negan,. I spoke to a Carol um I'm here for the interview about the room I smiled she let me. Come in

(Carol) yes that's me hello take a seat I said he chose to seat on the big bean bag I smiled because Darly loves to sit there I smiled so if we do give you the room you will be living with four people would you be OK with that?

(Negan) I was twiddling my hands I smiled yes that would be fine I nodded I don't mind living with many people

(Carol) I smiled Great do help yourself to a cookie, I said he shook his head "um no thank you" so if we do give you the room we are all like family here so if you need help with anythink don't think you can't talk to us about it OK? He nodded don't be so nervous we don't bite here so just a few questions he nodded "OK ask away" I smiled so do  you drink alcohol ?

(Negan) um yeah sometimes I do yeah not all the time, I sometimes smoke as. Well

(Carol) that was the next question right have you got a criminal record? Anythink small or big we will have to know

(Negan) my heart sank um yes I got done for some fights in a bar but that was when I was a teenager and I'm getting help for my anger I'm in therpy, I.... I... I.. I think I need to say this, you see I ran away from home when I was a teenager and I was on the streets a long time I did things that I'm not proud of but I got a job and one of my friends took me in but I want a place I can call home. I'm not that man well boy I use to be I won't cause any trouble I just thought I had to let you know before hand, i looked at the floor

(Carol) I smiled thank you for telling me right come and meet the rest of the people who live here. only two are home the rest have work I said walking down the corridor I knocked on a door "yeah" I opened it, Daryl this is negan he is up to be our house mate

(Darly) what's up? I said putting my hand up and checking out the guy who only was in black with a black beanie

(Negan) Hay nice meeting you I said

(Carol) Darly is our gamer in the house his mostly in here playing games or jamming out to his rock music

(Negan) I'm a gamer to so that's cool

(Darly) no wayyyy what do you play?

(Negan) oh mostly horror games so right now I'm playing resident evil "oh sick ill be getting that game when I'm paid" I smiled cool

(Carol) sorry to break this little game fest daryl are you going to cook tonight and I don't mean order in food and pretend you've cooked it

(Darly) everyone loved that last time I mean the pizza was fantastic right?

(Carol) yes but the thing is you never made it, our darly here. We do need to teach him some new things so cooking is one of them because his a bad cook I said to negan "Hayyyy I'm not that bad"

(Negan) I giggled it's fine the only thing I can cook good is spaghetti bolognese I smiled

(Carol) mmm nice right darly we will leave you to it

(Negan) nice meeting you "you to" he said before she shut the door we walked down the corridor more and she knocked on "come in" we went into the room and it was full of art wow I said

(Carol) michonne this is negan he might be out flat mate

(Michonne) oh hi I said studying him

(Carol) as I said this is michonne she works in art as you can see

(Negan) that's cool love your art "thanks" she said

(Carol) right I'll show you to your room if of course we say yes follow me I shut michonnes door and lead negan to his room which was up some stairs this room here is ricks room his at work and this one down here this would be your room I say opening it

(Negan) wow I said the room was beautiful it was big and it had a view it had shelfs and the walls was pink um can I decorate?

(Carol) I giggled of course I wasn't expecting you to keep pink walls don't worry he nodded

(Negan) we walked down stairs can I just grab a cookie

(Carol) oh  yes hold on  I say running to the kitchen and grabbing a container I walk back into the living putting all of the cookies in the container "oh um you don't have to" no it's OK I baked them for you here I said handing them to him

(Negan) thank you that's so kind right um when would I know about the.... The room?

(Carol) well. I have two more people coming today two more tomorrow and then I have to talk to Rick because he makes the decisions about the rooms so I'll talk to him and I will call you or he will call you as soon as we know I smiled I walked him to the door and open it, but it was nice to meet you negan I hope to see you soon

(Negan) thank you for spearing your time today and it was very nice to meet you as well bye.... And um thank you for the cookies I said I walked outside and back to simons

(Simon) so how was it?

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