Jealousy (Requested)

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"Are you ready to go, my love?" you call out, leaning against the wall of your apartment. You don't understand why Jenna needs to take ages to get ready; she always looks incredible anyway.

You hear Jenna walking towards you and look up from your phone. You let out a whistle as you admire her. She chuckles and pecks your lips.

"I take it to you like the outfit?" she smirks, pecking your lips a few more times. She's wearing a beautiful red dress, and you can't seem to take your eyes off her.

You gently pull her closer, running your hands along her sides, and you smile. "Remind me why we need to go to this party again?" you look her up and down before continuing ", I can't seem to think of any valid reason right now."

She laughs, pulling you down for a soft kiss before whispering against your lips, "We haven't met with our friends for a while, and we wanted to catch up, remember?"

You sigh, pecking her lips once more before nodding. You both head out of the apartment, heading to the party your friends invited you to.

Once you get there, you spot your friends sitting at one of the couch areas, drinks in hand. Among them is Olivia, who you haven't seen in what feels like forever.

You walk up to them, and Olivia grins, walking up to hug you tightly. "Y/n! Babe, it's been way too long," you chuckle, looking back at her outfit. "Damn, Rodrigo, those music paychecks look good on you."

While you both greet the rest of the group, you miss the way Jenna's jaw clenches at your interaction with Olivia.

Once you get your drinks, you sit down together. Jenna takes a sip of her drink, looking towards you to see something that made her eyebrows furrow.

Olivia gently has her hand on your thigh as your arm is behind her on the couch. You're both speaking about something excitedly, laughing.

It's perfectly innocent. You and Olivia had been friends for many years before you met Jenna. She knows Olivia is usually very affectionate and feels stupid for being jealous.

"Jenna, you wanna come to dance with us?" Emma speaks up. Jenna nods, and a few of your group head to the dance floor while the rest stay and keep talking.

Y/n doesn't even notice Jenna getting up to dance, still talking with Olivia.

Jenna tries not to look in your direction while dancing with her friends. She laughs at Georgie's break-dancing attempt, glad her friends can distract her from her thoughts.

Before long, Jenna's group sat back down at the booth and got more drinks. Jenna sees that you're no longer sitting there with Olivia and turns to Maddie, who is seated at the table with them.

"Hey Maddie, any idea where Y/n went?" Maddie nods. "Oh yeah, they went upstairs like 10 minutes ago. They said they'd be back soon."

Jenna nods, and her mind immediately starts racing. She knows you wouldn't cheat. You've always been incredibly loyal, and she's always admired it. But does she trust Olivia enough not to try something?

Jenna groans internally at her inner monologue, and despite herself, she decides to go upstairs to check on you.

She sees you leaving one of the private booths as she gets upstairs. You smile as you make your way over to her.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry if you were looking for me. Olivia and I went upstairs for a bit. I should have told you" You lean in to kiss her, and she pulls back.

You raise your eyebrow, and she wordlessly drags you to one of the private booths. She opens the door to ensure it's empty and pulls you inside.

She locks the door, and before you can even open your mouth to speak, she pins you up against it, kissing you harshly.

You moan into her mouth at the sudden action, which only spurs her on. She grips your shirt and lets her tongue run along your bottom lip.

You open your mouth, and your tongues start a battle of dominance. You trail your hands down and squeeze her hips, making her groan into your mouth.

You both pull back for air, panting as you look at each other. You smirk at her and step forward, making her back up against the wall.

You hook your fingers under her chin and tilt up to make her look at you. You lean in, your lips barely touching as you whisper.

"I forgot how much I love it when you get jealous."

Total words: 763


Guys I'm sorry I've been busy so I was only able to finish this request for now. Uploading tonight because I might not be able to tomorrow. Please bare with me for the other requests ❤️

And thank you for this request as always :)

Jenna Ortega Imagines Book 1 (Jenna x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now