Flashbacks (Requested)

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You're leaving the airport, looking for the person you've missed dearly these past eight months.

You were in the army and got deployed abroad, meaning you couldn't keep in contact that much. You missed each other so much and were so glad to be home.

You spot Jenna's car just as she spots you. She has a broad smile, and you both rush to close the distance between you.

You let go of your bag and wrap your arms around her. You hug her tight as she buries her face in your chest. You hear her sniffle, and you kiss her head softly.

"I'm back, my love. Everything is ok," you whisper, running your fingers through her hair gently in a soothing manner.

She pulls back to look at you, her eyes roaming your face as she notices the few faint scars that weren't there before.

She frowns, and she traces her hand over a slightly bigger scar on your cheekbone. You turn your head to kiss her hand before cupping her face.

You share a long kiss, smiling as she wraps her arms around your neck to keep you close.

She pulls back gently and smiles. "Welcome home, baby. I'm so glad you're ok."

You kiss her again before you go to the car, happy to be reunited.

Time skip

Jenna is lying on top of you, resting her chin on your chest as she listens to you sharing stories from your deployment.

You have your arms wrapped around her, rubbing her back softly. She watches you lovingly, her hand tracing your scars softly.

You stop speaking momentarily and look at her, intertwining your hand with hers.

"My scars are pretty badass, huh? I think they suit me," you mumble, smiling.

She chuckles, leaning forward to kiss you again. She pulls back shortly and looks at you sadly.

"I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by touching and looking at them so much. Those scars remind me of your bravery, and I love them," she whispers.

She plays with your shirt as she looks down, tears rolling down her cheek. You grab some tissues from the bedside table, wiping her cheeks dry.

"I was just so terrified I'd get a call saying you're not coming home, that something happened, that you lost a limb, or you were left paralysed. I'm just so thankful that nothing serious happened," she explains, taking a deep breath to compose herself.

You wrap your arms around her, leaving soft kisses across her shoulder.

"I'm fortunate I got away with only a few injuries. Some of the other guys weren't so lucky..." You trail off, your breath hitching as your eyes also start tearing up.

You spend the next while crying, talking and comforting each other. Soon enough, you feel tired and take a nap. Jenna lets your rest and heads to the kitchen to finish making dinner.

Time skip

After you both enjoy dinner, Jenna grabs a bottle of wine. You get up and hand her two glasses while she pours the wine into them.

"Good idea, baby, we could probably use it", you chuckle, handing her one of the glasses.

She nods, smiling as she takes a sip. You both step out on your balcony to get some fresh air.

You're talking together while you both drink your wine. You're having a pleasant conversation before you hear some screaming a few blocks away.

You both turn to look in that direction, brushing it off as some drunk people going wild.

You're about to laugh it off until you hear gunshots echoing in the distance.

You're far enough for them to be faint, but the sheer sounds rattle you to your core.

As you drop your glass, your hands shake, sending the wine spilling all over your balcony.

Jenna gasps, putting her glass down as she carefully steps over the glass to get to you.

She sees the look on your face. You've gone completely pale, and your breathing is erratic.

She gently leads you inside the apartment, and you lean against the wall. Your knees feel weak, and you sit on the floor, holding your knees under your chin.

Jenna kneels in front of you while you keep struggling to breathe.

She takes your hand gently, holding it tight as she speaks calmly, "Y/n, baby, I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that for me? Take a deep breath."

You shake your head quickly, gasping as hot tears fall down your cheeks. "I can-" you cut yourself off, not having enough breath to finish your sentence.

"Look at me, please, Y/n," she says calmly, squeezing your hand. You meet her eyes.

"Now let's take deep breaths together, ok, darling? Follow my lead" She takes a few deep breaths, and you manage a few of your own.

She nods, wiping your cheek softly. She stays on the floor with you until you fully calm down.

She pulls you into her arms, and you hold each other tight.

From then on, you started going to therapy. The PTSD from your deployment was severe.

Jenna accompanied you to every session. She was there to support you every step of the way, and you couldn't be more thankful.

Total words: 865


Thank you for this request. I hope I did it justice :)

Jenna Ortega Imagines Book 1 (Jenna x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now