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grace placed a record down on the record player, which then began to speak. it was a podcast. a podcast sir reginald hargreeves enjoyed. and with the record playing the 8 children speed walked to the dining area, being greeted by their mothers usual good afternoons.

they all sat in a none specific order, allison sat infront of luther and next to klaus, klaus next to ben and diego infront of him, diego next to five and ben across from him, five next to y/n and vanya infront of her. they all stood behind their chairs waiting to be seated.

sir reginald then entered the room, opening his chair and stood glairing at vanya. "sit." he announced. making everyone sit and begin eating.

luther looked up at allison and smiled, whom allison then smiled back. diego carving something into his chair, klaus rolling up a cigarette. ben reading a book, y/n making ice to put in her drink, vanya eating normally and five. five not touching his food instead he glared at his father.

he fidgeted in his chair, as vanya and y/n noticed and looked up at one another and at five. y/n nudged him. he turned to her, as she shook her head already knowing what he wanted to tell their father, since they had discussed about what five was going to say.

instead five ignored y/n and banged a knife into the table, making everyone jump and look at him.

"number five?" reginald said, looking back down at his food.

"i have a question." five stated.

y/n groaned in annoyance already knowing her father would say no. "knowledge is an admirable goal, but you should know the rules. no talking during mealtimes. you are interrupting herr carlson."

five pushed his plate away signalling he was done. "i want to time travel." five said.

"no." reginald slowly said.

"but im ready. ive been practising my spacial jumps, just like you said." five said standing up before blinking next to his father. "see?"

"a spacial jump is a trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel." reginald said, five looked at y/n and y/n sighed. "one is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."

reginald took a sip of his drink as five spoke, "well, i dont get it." he shrugged.

"hence the reason you are not ready." their father spoke, he looked over at y/n again who shook her head.

"im not afraid." five said.

"fear isnt the issue. the effect it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable." reginald spoke, clearly getting annoyed. " now, i forbid you to talk about this anymore!"

vanya and y/n looked at each other and then at their dad and five. before seeing five storm out of the house. "number five!" their dad yelled. "you havent been excused."

y/n shot up at the sight of this. vanya looked up at her and shook her head. "number eight! sit down!" their father yelled, and y/n did sit back down. still in fear of what five might do.

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