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Ben was ultimately bored. He sat at home every day for the first month doing nothing. He enjoyed spending time with Tuck. He was home when he got out, so he could help him with his homework. They worked out, played sports and games together.

His field trip was tomorrow and they were going to an Eco-wildlife Safari. He packed their lunches and made sure he had cash for anything they wanted to do there.

"Hey." Miranda said softly walking into the kitchen.

"Hey." Ben greeted, looking her up and down in her short nightgown.

"I was coming to make your lunches for the field trip tomorrow, but I see you already did it."

"Oh I didn't know. I would have let you--

"Its fine." She shrugged.

"Yeah, but I always liked your wraps better than mine." Ben said sheepishly.

"Let me see."

Ben grabbed the bags out the fridge and pushed them towards her.

"All this junk food. You both are going to be sick tomorrow." Miranda chastised going through it. She pulled out the containers and giggled at his wraps. He didn't even cut them in half.

She examined them before she walked over and opened the refrigerator. She pulled out mayonnaise, milk, mustard, oil and vinegar, setting that down she grabbed a bowl and a spoon.

Ben watched as she put a little bit of everything in the bowl and started stirring.

"Hand me the salt and pepper." Miranda instructed pointing to there electric salt and pepper grinders.

After she added salt and pepper she tasted the sauce on the spoon.

"Sugar." She said to herself walking over to grab it.

Once the sauce was to her liking Miranda undid their wraps and spread a thin layer on the tortilla. She remade the wraps and this time she cut them both in half before placing them back into the container.

Miranda bent over grabbing a pot from under the cabinet.

Ben looked at Miranda bent over and he bit his lip. Her round ass and thick thighs were always hypnotizing.

"What are you going to make?" Ben asked clearing his throat.

"Pasta salad to go with your wraps."


"You're welcome."

Ben sat at the counter and watched her cook. It was an awkward silence that fell over them and it was something they had never experienced before. They were best friends but with this new situation it was almost as if he didn’t know her anymore.

He knew that his wife was no non sense and stern. She was a terrible romantic but what he could count on for years was that she loved him and she had his back. He could count on her.

They had many trials since she became chief, with the money disparity between them, her not allowing him to do their taxes, juggling how to be a husband vs an employee. But they managed and push passed every one. But this was a great situation with a big principle.

What he always believed about her wasn't true anymore and it made him look at her differently. It put a bad taste in his mouth and he was learning to accept that. He was learning that the woman he put on a pedestal let him down. It was crazy that he loved her so much that he didn't even realize she was placed on a pedestal in his life.

The moment you put someone on a pedestal, they will look down upon you because you are beneath them.

Ben blew out a breath as his mind raced. Miranda continued cooking and she would occasionally look over at Ben. She hated that they were like this. She loved him so much and they had never been like this before. They disagreed plenty of times but this was different. There was a shift in their relationship and she recognized the divide.

She could tell Ben was in deep thought as he sat at the counter and she couldn’t find anything to say to him to even start a conversation.

"I'm finished with that." Miranda announced as she placed them in containers and put it in their lunch bags.

"Uh I didn't see any hand wipes or hand sanitizer. I'll grab you some out of the closet." Miranda said and Ben nodded.

"What is the eco wildlife safari anyway?" Miranda asked awkwardly.

"It's a form of travel based on ecology that allows tourists to experience wildlife and places rich in heritage, culture, and natural beauty."

"Oh that's right up your alley. The outdoors." She laughed.

"I know I'm excited. We get to plant trees and other plants too. Maybe we will see a bear."

"A bear?!... Uh be careful when I was a resident a momma bear mutilated two brothers, clawed ones stomach opened. I was holding his intestine in my hand."

"Really?" Ben questioned. He had never heard this story before.

"Yep. Complete evisceration."

"God, did he make it?"

"No. It was sad the two brothers went camping and the younger one had a brain tumor, so he reached down and rubbed the cub. The baby latched onto his hand and wouldn't let go. The oldest brother came to help and then the mama bear showed up."

"Damn mama's don’t play about their cubs."

"They certainly do not." Miranda avowed. "The youngest brothers tumor was inoperable so he passed too."

"Well that’s incredibly sad."

"It was, so like I said be careful tomorrow."

"I got it Miranda." He assured.

"I know. I guess its time for bed. I have to be up early tomorrow."

Ben nodded and walked to the doorway of the living room.

"Good night." Miranda said softly cutting the light off.

"Good night." He responded and watched her walked away.

At 6 am, Miranda stretched and yawned loudly. She rolled over and naturally reached for her husband, but ultimately sighed feeling the empty bed. She needed to program herself to stop doing that. She did it every day for the last month. She would never get use to him not sleeping in the bed with her. It was different when he was working because she knew he wouldn't be in the bed, but now he just didn't want to.

She stood up and she went to go wash her face. After she finished she flossed and brushed her teeth. She decide on a black pencil skirt, a navy blue blouse, and black heels.

Miranda took her medicine before grabbing her laptop and purse. She walked to the front door and then back tracked to glance at her husband, sleeping on the couch. She checked the time and sighed she knew if he slept any longer he would oversleep.

"Hey I was just making sure you were up. I didn't want you to be late."  Miranda whispered after shaking him and seeing his eyes open.


"You're welcome. I will be home early tonight."

"Ok cool." Ben said nonchalantly, standing to fold the blankets.

"I hope you have fun today."

"Thanks have a good day... at work." Ben said a little forcefully and he watched her face frown. He had hurt her feelings.

He sighed wiping his hand over his face. He was going to apologize, but she quickly opened and shut the door.

Ben finished folding up the blankets and put them away. He woke up Tuck and then proceeded to make them both a quick breakfast.

Tuck came and ate his breakfast first before getting dressed. Ben could tell he was excited about today and that made him even more excited.

"Tuck are you ready?" Ben called standing by the door.

"Yeah I’m coming." He yelled back. "Seriously dad." Tuck said looking at their matching clothes, as he reached the foyer.

"What?" I got dressed first." Ben said looking down at his tan shorts and black Nike shirt.

"Uh two seconds." He stated jogging off.

When he came back he was in a white shirt, cameo shorts and white Nikes.

"White is your color for a Safari?" Ben questioned.

"Yeah these are my running shoes anyway."

"You are going to regret it." He chuckled.

"Maybe so." Tuck responded sounding like his mother.

Ben drove them to the school and parked in the visitors parking lot. He saw buses parked on the side of the building so he figured those were the ones designated for the field trip.

The two walked inside and Tuck led him to his classroom. His Teacher Mrs. Smith took attendance when the bell rung, before giving out instructions and her expectations for today.

"Thank you Dr. Warren for joining us today." Mrs. Smith smiled walking over to him.

"Oh it's no problem. I'm excited to be here and experience this with Tuck. I mean William." He chuckled.

"Dad." Tuck scolded.


"You're being embarrassing that's what." He huffed before going over to Robbie and some other guys.

"He talks about you all the time."

"He does?" Ben said confused. He probably was talking about Tucker.

"Yeah. He talks about how you're a surgeon and you teach him cool stuff and not to mention basketball."

"He had an assignment not too long ago and he wrote about you. It started off talking about Dr. Bailey your wife, but then it switched to you."

"It was one of the best papers. He won a prize. If you go down the main hallway its on display there."

"Wow. Do I have time to go look at it?"

"Yeah we don't load the busses for another 10 minutes and we are still waiting on a parent. The papers are organized by grades, but it should be easy to find because it's 1st place."

Ben nodded and walked out the classroom, he made his way to the main hallway by the principles office and not too far from the cafeteria. He saw all the papers and paintings on display. He quickly scanned them until he stopped at William Bailey-Jones. He chuckled at him trying to write his name in cursive. He would definitely be helping him perfect that in the future.

"My Hero. Most people meet their heroes, but I’m being raised by mine. "

Ben took his time and read the paper. It was the most touching thing that he ever read in his life. This was one of the greatest feelings he had ever experienced, besides becoming a doctor and getting married. He didn’t know that Tuck held him to that regard. He always wanted to be a great man and an even better father. Marrying Miranda he knew that he would become a dad, but years before her he never even thought about kids and quite frankly he didn't know if he even wanted any.

But then he laid eyes on Miranda Bailey. She turned his world upside down. He couldn't imagine life without her. She quickly became his everything and he handed over his heart without a second thought. He was blinded by love and when your blinded by love you don't see the persons flaws and if you do you accept them because you just want them.

But what happens when your not blinded anymore. What happens when you can see clear. Those were two things that he didn't want to ever find out.

He pulled out his phone and took a picture of Miranda's half and his own. He opened their text messages and sent her the picture of what Tuck wrote about her before looking at the date of the last text message from 4 weeks ago.

Hearing the bell ring, Ben quickly made his way back to the classroom.

It was a two hour ride to the Safari and he thought the bus would be rowdy but everyone was having whispered conversations with the person they were sitting next too. Ben let Tuck sit with Robbie since they were going to be walking around by themselves later.

"Dr. Warren." The woman behind of him called out getting his attention.

"Uh Ben is fine." He said turning to her.

"Ok Ben." She smiled. "I'm Melissa."

"Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too. I originally got your attention because I was curious and wanted to know what kind of doctor were you."

"I used to be an anesthesiologist, but now I'm a surgeon."

"Wow. You're amazing. I couldn't imagine. I know college in general had to be hard that's a lot of science classes to take." She stated.

"It was but I like science so it wasn't too bad." He answered honestly.

"What kind of surgeon are you?"

"I'm a resident so I haven't picked a specialty yet."

"Any favorites?"

"Plastic surgery, general and...Fetal. what do you do?"

"A Lawyer."

"And you're talking about me. That's a hard degree. Especially the bar exam."

"I love to read and I am very talkative."

"Is that so?"

"It is. I think maybe because I'm a Scorpio."

"A water sign but unique because the distinctive venomous sting. You're very calculated. You know what you want and you aren't afraid to work hard to get it."


"What sign do you think I am?" Ben asked.

"Earth sign."

"Correct but which one?"

"I think Taurus. Passionate. Head strong which is why the symbol is a bull . Your optimistic and think after you leap. Stubbornness. Relationship wise dependable partner. Taurus soothe their friends and lovers with their trustworthiness and devotion."

"I think that's true." He nodded.

"Even the relationship part?" She questioned.

"I would like to think so but I would ask my wife and see what she says." Ben said quickly letting her know that he was married.

"Well you would have to let me know what she says."

"I will, if I see you again." He stated and he highly doubted that he would.

"You ever thought about joining the PTA."

"No. I wouldn't mind doing something like that, but I don't have the time."

"Well if you ever get time." She started and Ben heard her shuffling. Suddenly there was a yellow paper being handed to him.

"Here you go."


"No problem."

"Okay we are here everyone." Mrs. Smith said standing. She gave out more instructions and everyone got off the bus splitting into two groups for the activity guides.

They walked around the Safari and stopped for various things. Ben loved learning more about Seattle’s history especially the shipwrecks that happened here.

They rode the 5 mile train ride around the area and they were able to spot deer, fox, bobcats, and coyotes along the way.

After planting two trees, they stopped for lunch.

"Why are you home all the time?" Tuck questioned eating his wrap.

"I got suspended." Ben answered truthfully.

"Like from school?" He chuckled.

"Yeah same concept, but no pay." He explained.

"Is that why you have been sleeping on the couch?"

"You know about that?"

"I saw you a few days ago. I woke up and came to get water."

"Oh yeah, that's part of the reason."

"Can't you just get another job?" Tuck asked looking up at him.

Ben paused at his question. He never thought about that. He very well could just do something else, maybe anesthesia again. He did that for seven years prior to surgery.

"That's actually a good idea. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I miss mom." Tuck said sadly with a longing face.

Hell me too Ben thought.

"She's been working a lot since she became chief. I miss actually hanging out with her." The teen added.

"Yeah her schedule has been crazy since becoming chief. That’s why I'm actually glad I was suspended so I could do this with you...why don't one night after dinner you pull out a board game and ask her to play. She doesn't mean to neglect you all’s time, some times its easy to get tunnel vision. You just have to ease the blinders off by telling her how you feel." Ben explained.

Tuck sighed and Ben sighed too. "She loves you so much Tuck. She'll tell anyone who will listen how you are the light of her life. You make her happy just by existing."

"May I ask why you all aren't the same? The house isn't the same. You all use to keep me up in the middle of the night."

Ben choked on water and his eyes widen looking at Tuck.

"You both use to laugh so loud at night together, I admired that about you two as a couple." Tuck continued and Ben sighed in relief and nodded, he loved that about them too.

"You're mom is my best friend. When you get older and find a wife, that’s one of the qualities you should look for. Being so comfortable around them and the ability to share anything. A friendship with your spouse is the ultimate goal." Ben told him. "Right now we don't see eye to eye though. You know your mom is my boss, so I ended up doing something that got me in trouble and she had to punish me."

Tuck winced. "I know all about her punishments." Tuck said and Ben chuckled.

"So imagine if your mom was the principal at your school."

"My friends mom is our principle and she hates it because she says she always have to make a statement and be the best because she is the example that everyone should follow. Once she got in trouble by her teacher and they sent her to her mom and she got in to even more trouble."

"Exactly. That’s where I am at now. She doesn’t see that she went too far to make an example out of me and I’m upset that she did it. So I just needed some space. Which is why I am sleeping on the couch."

"Maybe she shouldn't be your boss anymore."

Ben nodded was he really taking advice from his son.

Later that day they finished up the trip with plenty of pictures and they got to take a plant home, to plant themselves. He needed to figure out where they were going to put it. They stopped to the store and bought a pot and more dirt for the time being.

Once they got home they sat on the porch and put the plant in the pot. Finding a place for it on the front porch, they looked up as Miranda pulled into the driveway.

"Hey mom." Tuck smiled.

"Hi my sweet boy. That paper you wrote about me was amazing. You're amazing."

"You read my paper?"

"I did." She said rubbing his cheek and Tuck turn to look at Ben who looked away whistling.

"How was the field trip?"

"Mom it was so much fun." Tuck said excitedly before filling her in on everything they saw and did.

"I wish I could have been there."

"It's ok mom you don't do outdoors." He laughed.

"And you're right about that. I need to get the bags out the car for dinner."

"I'll help you." Ben said standing up. "Tuck go a head and take a shower so we can get ready to do your homework."

"Yes sir." He nodded before going inside.

"Hey." Ben greeted her finally and she licked her lips wetting them before speaking back.

They silently grabbed the bags out the car and brought them inside. Ben walked to get his own bag from out of the car before telling Miranda that he was going to take a shower.

When he came back in sweat pants and a shirt, she was halfway done cooking.

"You're joining the PTA?" Miranda asked picking up the paper.

"Why because I have all the time in world now, right?"

"Ben you know that’s not what I meant. I was just asking."

"No. One of the parents suggested it today and she gave me the sheet."

"Mmm. Who's number is this written on here?"

"Melissa. She's the one who gave it to me."

"Is she in charge or something."

"No I just think she is on the committee."

"So what reason would you have to call her?" She asked with a slight attitude.

"I don't know Miranda. I'm not even joining the damn thing. I just took it to be nice."

Miranda looked at him inspectantly before balling the yellow sheet in her hand. She walked over and threw it in the trashcan.

"Your son misses you." Ben told her. "He told me earlier today."

"I know. I miss him too. Partially the reason I came home early today. I'm trying to be the best mother I can but it just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day."

"You are the best mother." Ben assured her. "That paper he wrote attests to the fact."

"That made my day. Thank you for sending that to me."

"No problem."

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