Interdimensional Relatives

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"Owww!" Grarrett complained after falling from what appeared to be the sky and landing roughly on the hard floor. Diamond Man soon followed. "Yoo I didn't know you where also coming!" Garrett laughed, Diamond Man didn't seem too happy however. He groaned as he lifted himself off the floor after making such hard contact and swung open the door closest to them.

"This better fuckin' work again.." He mumbled to himself, Garrett was left watching in confusion. Diamond Man kept repeatedly opening and closing the door, before giving up and slamming it shut.

"You fucking IDIOT! IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU I WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION!" He screamed. Garrett was taken aback by the sudden yelling, it almost brought him to tears.

"I didn't know that stupid guy would teleport us both! I thought it'd only be me!"

"I don't care anymore. I just want to go home." He sat down in front of the door cross legged and buried his face in his hands. Garrett sat next to him and in an attempt of comforting him, put a hand on his shoulder. Diamond Man quickly recoiled and shot him a dirty look. Garrett shuffled away.

"I'm sorry! I really am!" He looked down in guilt.

"Why would you even go back to him? You knew id get dragged into this, he SAID! Just go away." Diamond Man groaned. Garrett sighed and buried his chin in his knees.

"I think I'm gonna go explore this place for myself." He sat up and faced his peer.

"Fine. Just leave me be."

With that, Garrett stood up and headed down the road. He occasionally turned his head around to check on Diamond Man, but he seemed to just stubbornly sit at the door. If his memory wasn't being fuzzy like normal after something like this happened, the 'cool nice wheelchair guy's' house should be somewhere down the road. He only slightly recognised the place he was in, since it was the first place he got teleported to, the massive hole in the wall remained. He could tell from the scorched plaster around the back of the house he was teleported outside of.

He'd only just started to notice how tired he really was, at this point he may as well have been dragging himself down the road. As he turned a corner he sighed in relief as he saw the iconic blue house. The closer he approached however, he noticed any entrances to the house had been completely barricaded, and upon further inspection every door in the house seemed to be wide open.

"Uhh... Mister Dave guy?" He hesitantly asked as he knocked on the door. The window next to him soon opened, making him jump.

"Ruler kid?" A shorter boy Garrett recognised as 'Tristan' asked.

"Uh, yea! That's me."

"Where'd you go? Last we saw of you was in your room... Then you just vanished and left the closet door wide open!"

"I'll explain once I'm actually inside... Where's... The wheelchair guy?"

"Oh, Dave? He's not gonna let anyone in.. I think. He's paranoid about opening doors n' stuff."

"Figures. Hey could I crawl through that window by any chance?"

"I mean... You can try." He opened the window slightly wider, just enough so he'd be able to fit. With enough effort Garrett had squeezed himself through the window, almost falling flat on his face but he softened the landing with his hands. Just as Garrett stood up there was a sudden thundering down the corridor.

"Aw shit! Ruler kid?" The short farmer shouted, as per usual. "Did you kill anyone whilst you where gone?"


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