Silblings Are Natural Enemies (Part 1)

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He turned off the TV, not even acknowledging the tears blurring his vision. The TV sat completely silent, just it's black screen staring him in the face. The room stood still, only the occasional sob coming from the boy was heard. He eventually gains the willpower to stand up, running to his alleged room, only for it to be replaced by a regular guests room. The only room recognisable seemed to be his father's, closet door still wide open, exposing the elevator tucked away inside. In a moment of desperation, he opens a drawer in search for his dad's belongings, hoping to find something he recognised that he owned, yet nothing that reminiced him was there. Nothing that proved his existence was in the house. The only thing being himself.

His racing thoughts where interrupted by a slam at the door, in panic he attempts to hide himself inside the closet. The noise coming from outside was muffled, but he was too afraid to really pick up on details.

"Dave?! Dave, are you in here?!" A voice he slightly recognised called, though not enough for him to come out of hiding. After the call there where footsteps, followed by the sound of someone opening a door, causing the boy to tense. "Dave?" They called out, now softer, the boy now recognising the voice.

"...Muko?" He hesitantly spoke, there was a silence before the handle of the closet door clicked. Luckily, the boy's guess was correct, the person stood in the threshold was indeed Muko, but he didn't seem to share the same amount of relief as the kid stood in front of him, he instead could only stare down at the kid in confusion.

"...Bambi! Get over here!" He called, Bambi stepping into the room clutching a pitchfork around 3 times the size of him. "...Kid... Are you lost?" He asked, the boy staring back up at him.

"What? No! This is my dad's house! I'm Tristan!" Muko looked nervously at Bambi after the response, Bambi looking just as confused. "Stop playing tricks on me!" Tristan cried. After a long silence Muko knelt down on one knee, putting a hand on the kid's shoulder.

"...Tristan was it? Kid... Dave didn't have any children. I've known him since we where kids... I would've known if he had a kid by now." Tristan felt himself tear up once again, Bambi scoffing.

"Dave? Kid? I know we're going through a tough time right now, but you thinkin' we'd be stupid enough to believe you're Dave's kid?! Hah!" Bambi laughed, almost cackled, Muko looking back at him in annoyance.

"Bambi, be nice! This kid's most likely traumatised... He seems to be suffering from some type of delusion. Can't you be considerate for once?!"

"My bad, I guess..."

Tristan was left speechless, for the most part. He seemed too young to understand the message Muko was trying to get across, the most he could do was helplessly stand there.

"...Kid, may I ask, how'd you know my name?"

"I know you! You're Dave's best friend! Don't you remember?! Just yesterday we where... Playing games together! We where like best friends!" Muko stood and sighed.

"Hm... Do you know Bambi at all?"

"Yes! Another good friend of my dad's! Corn farmer... Always angry... As dad would say, "ignorant"."

"Am not ignorant!" Bambi scoffed. Muko rolled his eyes in an attempt to ignore Bambi. "The fucks up with this kid?! I say we kill him!"

"Bambi. Stop." Muko turned around, his eyes drilling holes into his forehead. "We'll look into this later. Tristan was the name?" Tristan nods in response. "Alright, kid. Now, can you be brave for us? Please listen closely." He looked to his side nervously, fidgeting his his hands. He sighed, recollected himself and started to speak.

"We don't think Dave is... Alive. And well... If he was, he'd most likely be injured beyond repair. I promise, we'll try to figure out what's going on and... Who you are. Me and Bambi aren't here to hurt you, we'd just like for you to come home with us for now, since you're quite venerable." Muko made sure to keep his tone soft and reassuring, in hopes to not scare the boy as much as he would've liked, but it only caused him to break down. Muko allowed the kid to fall into his arms, hugging him tightly, allowing him to cry into his chest.

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